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Educational cooperation is a positive aspect of the relations between countries, contributing to economic and social development and promoting values such as tolerance and respect to cultural diversity. Foreign policy for educational themes is guided by the search for results in the economic, political, and cultural dimensions.
For being directly related to the qualification of the workforce of a country, the educational cooperation contributes to the economic development. In a globalized world, where the ability of an economy to attract capital, investments and technologies is subject to the educational level and qualification of human resources, educational cooperation initiatives favor competitive insertion in the international market.
The cooperation in educational themes is a political instrument to promote approximation among States. Brazilian initiatives in this area, in partnership with other developing countries, contribute to internationally project Brazil as a solidary country Furthermore, being familiar with other cultures, learning foreign languages and exchanging experiences lead to the constitution of an atmosphere of integration and mutual knowledge, providing greater understanding, respect for diversity and tolerance.
Among the attributions of Itamaraty concerning the actions of educational cooperation, exercised by the Division of Educational Themes, are: