Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Relations between Brazil and Jordan were established in 1959, with the opening of the Brazilian legation in Amman. In 1964, the Brazilian legation in Beirut was elevated to the status of embassy and became responsible for representing Brazil before the Jordanian government. In 1984, Brazil and Jordan opened embassies in their respective capitals.
Jordan is a relevant partner for Brazil's operations in the Middle East. The country plays a prominent role in the region in seeking political solutions to regional conflicts, in fighting terrorism and in welcoming refugees. There has always been an exchange of political dialogue between the two countries.
The first decade of the 2000’s was marked by dynamic bilateral relations, which included an increasing number of high-level visits, the creation of the Bilateral Consultations Mechanism (2008) and the beginning of negotiations on a free-trade agreement with MERCOSUR (2008). In 2016, the first meeting of the bilateral consultations mechanism at the level of Secretary of Foreign Affairs was held in Amman.
In economic terms, Jordan is a growing market and seeks to position itself as a regional hub of services. Bilateral trade is historically in favor of Brazil. In 2024, it totaled $650.7 million, the highest historic record (22.6% increase compared to 2023). Brazilian exports accounted for the largest part of this value ($540.3 million). They included fresh poultry meat and edible offal (53%); unroasted coffee (11%); and fresh beef (10%). Brazilian imports from Jordan totaled $110.4 million. They consisted largely of fertilizers or chemical fertilizers (88%). The Brazilian balance was of $429.9 million.
Among themes of the bilateral cooperation, emphasis is given to the areas of defense, safety and intelligence. Jordan is the only country in the Middle East where Brazil has an accredited intelligence attaché and a Federal Police attaché.
Chronology of Bilateral Relations
2024 – Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira visits Jordan
2022 – Minister of Agriculture Marcos Montes visits Jordan
2018 – Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes Ferreira visits Jordan
The Chief Minister of the Institutional Security Cabinet (GSI) of the Presidency of the Republic, General Sergio Westphalen Etchegoyen, visits Jordan
2017 – Minister of Defense Raul Jungmann visits Jordan and meets with King Abdullah II
2016 – Prince Faisal visits Brazil on the occasion of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games
2012 – Foreign Minister Antônio de Aguiar Patriota visits Jordan
2010 – President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva visits Jordan
2009 – Foreign Minister Celso Amorim visits Amman
2008 – Foreign Minister Celso Amorim visits Amman
Foreign Minister Salaheddin Al Bashir visits Brasília
2006 – Prince Hassan Bin Talal visits Brazil
King Abdullah II and Queen Rania visit Brazil (São Paulo and Brasília)
2005 – Prince Ali Bin Al-Hussein visit Brazil, representing King Abdullah II at the 1st South America-Arab Countries Summit (ASPA)
Visit of Foreign Minister Celso Amorim visits Amman
2003 – Foreign Minister Celso Amorim visits Amman
1994 – Foreign Minister Celso Amorim visits Jordan, on the occasion of the signing of the Peace Agreement with Israel
1984 – Opening of the Brazilian Embassy in Amman and opening of the Jordanian Embassy in Brasília
1964 – Brazilian legation in Beirut is elevated to the status of embassy and becomes cumulatively responsible for representing Brazil before the Jordanian authorities
1959 – Opening of the Brazilian legation in Amman