Kingdom of Bahrain
Diplomatic relations between Brazil and Bahrain were established in 1974. In 2018, Bahrain opened an embassy in Brasília, the country's first diplomatic representation in Latin America. Brazil, in turn, opened an embassy in Manama in November 2021.
The intensification of political and technical contacts between the two countries was reflected in the holding of five editions of the Political Consultations Meeting, the last one in December 2024, in Manama. The November 2021 presidential visit to Manama was the first at this level between the two countries.
In June 2024, the President of the Council of Representatives of Bahrain, Ahmed bin Salman Al Musallam, led a parliamentary delegation on a visit to Brazil, with meetings at the National Congress and other government bodies.
Trade between Brazil and Bahrain totaled $1.2 billion in 2024, representing a 13.2% drop compared to 2023. Brazilian exports totaled $1 billion (a 14.4% decrease), while imports totaled $200 million (a 7% decrease). The trade balance remained favorable to Brazil, with a $802 million surplus. In 2024, the main products exported were iron ore (90%), poultry meat (4.9%), and sugar (2.9%), while imports focused on petroleum fuel oils (42%), fertilizers (39%), and aluminum (15%).
Brazil’s commercial agenda with Bahrain differs from that with other Gulf countries, since the main Brazilian export is iron ore, mainly destined for the Bahrain Steel company. The Bahraini authorities are interested in strengthening food security and diversifying their food suppliers, which represents an opportunity to expand Brazilian exports, particularly of poultry meat and other agribusiness products, subject to issues related to health and phytosanitary certification, including halal certification.
Bahrain offers opportunities for the internationalization of Brazilian companies, especially in the food sector. It is interested in attracting company subsidiaries to use the country as an export hub. This potential is reinforced by Bahrain's strategic network of free trade agreements, involving both the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and the United States, which reaffirms this potential by enabling the import, processing and re-export of products under favorable conditions.
Chronology of bilateral relations
2024 – 5th Brazil-Bahrain Political Consultation Meeting, in Manama
2022 – 4th Brazil-Bahrain Political Consultation Meeting, in Manama
2021 – Presidential visit and official opening of the Brazilian Embassy in Manama
2020 – 3rd Brazil-Bahrain Political Consultation Meeting via teleconference
2019 – 2nd Brazil-Bahrain Political Consultation Meeting, in Brasília
2018 – Signing of the Air Services Agreemen in Manama
2018 – Reopening of the Bahraini embassy in Brasília through the appointment of a resident chargé d'affaires
2018 – 1st Brazil-Bahrain Political Consultation Meeting, in Manama
2013 – Delegation led by the Secretary of Commerce and Services of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Humberto Ribeiro, visits Bahrain
2013 – Parliamentary mission comprised of three representatives of the Bahraini Chamber visits Brasilia
2012 – Meeting between Foreign Minister Antônio Patriota and Bahraini Foreign Minister, Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmad Al Khalifa, in Lima, on the sidelines of the 3rd ASPA Summit
2011 – Meeting between Foreign Minister Antônio Patriota and Bahraini Foreign Minister, Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmad Al Khalifa, in Washington
2005 – Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Bahrain, Mohamed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, visits Brasilia as head of his country's delegation to the I ASPA Summit
1997 – Meeting between Foreign Minister Luiz Felipe Lampreia and Bahraini Foreign Minister, Sheikh Mohammed Al Khalifa, on the sidelines of the 52nd UNGA
1996 – Meeting between Foreign Minister Luiz Felipe Lampreia and Bahraini Foreign Minister, Sheikh Mohammed Al Khalifa, on the sidelines of the 51st UNGA
1983 – Establishment of the Brazilian embassy in Bahrain, cumulative accredited to the embassy in Kuwait (Decree No. 75,547, of 1/4/75). The Minister of Finance Antônio Delfim Netto visits Bahrain as part of a financial mission to the Middle East
1980 – Establishment of diplomatic relations between Brazil and Bahrain. Creation of the Brazilian embassy in the State of Bahrain, cumulative acredited to the embassy in Jeddah (Decree No. 74,264, of 8/7/74)