Address by Minister Mauro Vieira at the Ottawa Group meeting - Paris, June 8, 2023
Dear Minister Ng,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to thank the Canadian government for organizing this important meeting.
As stated in yesterday´s meeting held by Australia, Brazil, as a developing country, wants a strengthened and modernized WTO that incorporates development issues and a sustainable development perspective in its agenda, without neglecting longstanding topics, such as agriculture.
Brazil is also very much concerned about the rise of protectionism worldwide and the use of sustainability concerns as a cover for protectionist measures.
We are all aware of the importance of the dispute settlement system as one of the three main pillars and reasons of existence for the WTO. Brazil favours a system that produces truly binding resolutions reached by an impartial and professional body of adjudicators within a two-tiered structure.
On another front, we are pleased to see agricultural trade reform and food security going hand in hand in the run-up to the MC13. Reducing distortions and barriers in agricultural trade is essential to enable the necessary increase in food production worldwide, especially in developing countries.
Dear Friends,
As it did in the MC12, the Ottawa Group should once again be a main driver for productive discussions on the WTO reform and on the preparation of MC13. It can step up engagement and outreach work with a greater number of developing countries and regional groups, in order to build common positions.
The Ottawa Group also needs to show solidarity with the developing world and real ambition towards achieving the SDGs by supporting true agriculture reform within the WTO.
Please be certain that Brazil is ready and willing to work together with the Ottawa Group to strengthen the WTO and ensure a productive and successful MC13.
Thank you.