Address by the Secretary for Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs (SCAEC), Ambassador Sarquis J. B. Sarquis, at the XII Steering Group of the OECD Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Regional Programme – May 28, 2021
Dear Mr.Ángel Gurría OECD Secretary General,
Dear Mr.Mathias Cormann, OECD elected Secretary General
Dear Ministers, Authorities, Ladies and Gentlemen,
As we gather today to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the creation of the OECD Regional Program for Latin American and the Caribbean, allow me to express our recognition and gratitude for the relentless efforts of the Secretary-General, Angel Gurría, to strengthen OECD cooperation with Latin America during the 15 years of his mandate.
Largely due to your commitment towards the region, Mr Gurría, the cooperation between the OECD and the region is stronger than ever. During your mandate, Chile, Colombia and, as per this week, Costa Rica, have joined Mexico in the OECD and we hope that soon Brazil and other LAC countries, such as Argentina and Peru will also be invited to become members.
Since its creation 5 years ago, the OECD LAC Regional Programme has been instrumental to address various development challenges faced by the region, promoting evidence-based analysis and exchange of best practices. As the SG himself stated in the programme’s official launch in 2016, the initiative not only reflects the growing interest from countries in the region to engage more actively and effectively with the OCDE, but also recognizes the mutual benefit of the partnership.
The three pillars of the program - Productivity, Social Inclusion and Governance – remain relevant today and are at the core of the current efforts to build back better after the COVID-crisis. Its flexible approach has allowed the program to cover a wide scope of themes and formats in its activities, while promoting synergies with the work of regional organizations, present here today in this celebration
Brazil is convinced that the Program can and should continue to be an important channel to facilitate the dialogue of the region with the OECD, raise awareness about OECD standards and policy recommendations, while taking into consideration the specificities of the region. We have no doubt that the OECD can help the region to overcome its structural development constraints and vulnerabilities, which were exacerbated by the COVID crisis.
We are confident that the LAC Program can support the countries of the region in their recovery strategies so the aftermath of the crisis could provide an opportunity to advance the needed structural reforms to promote more resilient and sustainable economies, able to improve well-being and ensure better conditions of life.
As one of the Co-chairs of the program, we would like to thank the members of the OECD that supported its creation, the members and non-members that have supported its work through participation in its Advisory Board and those that have contributed to finance its activities. We would particularly like to thank the delegations of Chile and Peru, that co-chaired the initial three year period of the program.
We hope we can continue to count with the OECD members in this endeavor and that the program can evolve towards an increasingly structured initiative with more stable funding.
For its part, Brazil remains committed to its success and we hope to be able to host the next high level meeting on Productivity in 2022 to further discuss innovative approaches to boost productivity and inclusive growth in our region.
We are looking forward to continuing work with the future SG Mathias Cormann to reinforce the Program.
Since this is the last LAC Meeting you will be attending in your capacity as SG, Mr. Gurría, let me finish by once again thanking you on behalf of Brazil, and I believe I can speak for all the programs members, for all your work and commitment towards the region.
Thank you.