Address by the Secretary for Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs (SCAEC), Ambassador Sarquis J. B. Sarquis, at the Ottawa Group Ministerial Meeting – January 20th, 2022
The postponement of MC12 (12th Ministerial Conference of the WTO) should be an opportunity to prepare a comprehensive package - relevant, ambitious and realistic - along all priorities set to the conference. In this regard, the Ottawa Group can play a key role as we reconvene MC12 by mid-2022, hopefully.
Trade and health
- Brazil was an early supporter of the discussions on Trade and Health at the WTO. It remains a priority for us.
- Brazil still favors and believes in a multilateral outcome, including all aspects of the issue, from trade facilitation and restrictions to IPRs (intellectual property rights).
Reform of WTO
- Brazil also supports the draft statement on "immediate action to support the multilateral trading system in preparation for a successful MC12".
- We need to begin work on reform immediately, seeking to improve the three main functions of the WTO and notably to overcome the crisis in the dispute settlement system.
- We need to make sure that MC12 paves the way for a successful WTO reform.
- At MC12 and beyond, we should also prioritize some negotiating areas that are at the core of the multilateral trading system and that may create the necessary tradeoffs to reach a balanced set of agreements.
- Agriculture must be included in the exercise.
- This is why we welcome the renewed commitment to Article 20 of the Agreement on Agriculture by many of the Ottawa Group’s members.
- Looking ahead, the new rules must deepen the results of the Uruguay Round while promoting food security, rural development and sustainable agricultural practices.
- In that sense the Ottawa Group’s support for the Chair’s text on agriculture would be of great value to ensure a positive outcome.
- Moreover, given the diversity of its Members’ interests, the Ottawa Group is the perfect environment for us to test ideas and put forward viable results.
- Brazil also remains committed to the fisheries subsidies negotiations. We want an ambitious agreement, with the highest level of sustainability.
- We should avoid reopening issues that have already been reasonably addressed.
Other areas of agreement
- Last but not least, Brazil supports JSIs (Joint Statement Initiatives) and other initiatives in services, investment, e-commerce and trade and environment.
Thank you.