Statement by the U.S. government regarding decisions by the Brazilian judiciary
The Brazilian government is surprised by the statement released today by the U.S. Department of State regarding a lawsuit filed by private companies in that country to avoid compliance with decisions by the Brazilian Supreme Court.
The Brazilian government firmly rejects any attempt to politicize judicial decisions and underscores the importance of respecting the republican principle of separation of powers, enshrined in the 1988 Federal Constitution of Brazil.
The statement by the U.S. Department of State distorts the meaning of the Brazilian Supreme Court’s decisions, whose effects are intended to ensure the application, in the Brazilian territory, of the pertinent Brazilian legislation, including the mandatory requirement to appoint a legal representative for every company operating in Brazil. Freedom of expression, a fundamental right enshrined in the Brazilian legal system, must be exercised in Brazil in accordance with other legal principles in force, especially those in the realm of criminal law.
The Brazilian State and its republican institutions have been the target of an antidemocratic orchestrated campaign based on massive spread of disinformation on social media. The facts involving the attempted coup against popular sovereignty, following the 2022 presidential elections, are the subject of an ongoing lawsuit in the Brazilian legal system.