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Statement by the Permanent Representative Ambassador Ronaldo Costa Filho in the Security Council Debate on the Question of Ukraine
25 February 2022
Mr. President,
We live in unprecedented circumstances of threat to the international order and of violation of the UN Charter. We are gravely concerned with Russian military operations against targets in Ukrainian territory. We believe the Security Council should strive to show a united resolve in pursuing diplomatic solutions to all threats to international peace and security and seek agreement also on the Ukrainian crisis.
As we hear reports of increasing civilian casualties, fear and devastation in Ukraine – a scenario that any war inevitably generates – our main objective now is to immediately stop ongoing hostilities. How should we do that? First, the Security Council must swiftly react to the use of force against the territorial integrity of a member state. A line has been crossed, and this Council cannot remain silent.
Secondly, and no less important, we need to create the conditions for dialogue among all involved parties. The world cannot afford a point of no return, where parties see military victory as the only avenue to end conflict. During the negotiations of the text, Brazil attempted to seek this balance: to maintain the space for dialogue, while still signaling that the use of force against the territorial integrity of a member state is not acceptable in the world today.
We are also deeply concerned with the Russia’s decision to engage troops in military operations on the ground and with the loss of lives and danger to the civilian population that may ensue. We continue to hold the firm conviction that threats and force will not lead this crisis to a lasting settlement. Military action will inflict damage, undermine the faith in international law, and put the lives of millions of people into jeopardy.
The mission of the Security Council is not over. If our efforts so far have failed to prevent a war, it is our duty to persevere and seek the immediate suspension of hostilities. We should strive to find ways to restore peace to Ukraine and the whole region. We renew our appeal for the full cessation of hostilities, for the withdrawal of troops, and for the immediate resumption of diplomatic dialogue. There is no alternative to negotiation to solve the present crisis.
The security concerns voiced by the Russian Federation in the past few years, particularly regarding the strategic balance in Europe, do not give Russia the right to threaten the territorial integrity and sovereignty of another State. The Security Council has the legitimacy to debate and, with the good will of all, adopt measures to reddress this dangerous situation.
The collective security system of the United Nations rests ultimately on the pillar of international law. The sovereign equality and the territorial integrity of UN Member States are not hollow words. It is our duty to give concrete meaning to the high aspirations of the drafters of the UN Charter. That is our most valuable legacy. To rid ourselves from the scourge of war was the very reason for the establishment of the United Nations. In the end, peace and international order must prevail. We shall not rest until this mission is accomplished.
I thank you.
Explanation of Vote by the Permanent Representative Ambassador Ronaldo Costa Filho in the Security Council Debate on the Question of Ukraine
Mr. President,
Brazil regrets that the Security Council was unable to react to a breach of international peace and security that is still happening as we speak.
During the negotiations, Brazil favoured a text that could maintain space for dialogue among all parties, while sending a decisive message for respect to international law and to the basic principles that, for more than 75 years, have saved us from a war of wide proportions. We thank the proponents for their flexibility in several aspects of the draft during negotiations.
Mr. President,
The framing of the use of force against Ukraine as an act of aggression, a precedent that has seldom been used in this Council, signals to the world the gravity of the situation, but could also downplay other times when force was used against the territorial integrity of member states with no equivalent reaction from the Council.
Indeed, we could have ended up with a text that is more conducive to reconciliation. Brazil has fought for that. However, under the current circumstances, not even a different text could be enough to allow the Council to fulfill its responsibility to maintain international peace and security today. No country, elected or non-elected, with or without veto power, should be able to use force against the territorial integrity of another state with no Council reaction. The Council’s paralysis when world peace is at stake could lead to its irrelevance when we most need it. It is our collective responsibility not to allow this to happen.
Thank you.