Fifth round of negotiations for the expansion and deepening of the Economic Complementation Agreement No. 53 (ACE-53) between Brazil and Mexico
The Fifth Negotiating Meeting for the Enlargement and Deepening of the Economic Complementation Agreement No. 53 (ACE-53) was held on September 27-29, in Mexico City, in which representatives of the governments of Brazil and Mexico took part.
The Brazilian delegation was headed by Ambassador Paulo Estivallet de Mesquita, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Undersecretary General for Latin America and the Caribbean. The Mexican delegation was headed by Juan Carlos Baker, Director General for Trade Negotiations of the Mexican Secretariat of Economy.
Negotiating groups on market access, trade facilitation, rules of origin, technical barriers to trade, government procurement, services and dispute settlement gathered on the occasion.
The goal of negotiations is to achieve a significant increase in the tariff universe with preferences under the Agreement, with the inclusion of new agricultural and industrial products.
In 2015, trade between Brasil and Mexico was US$7.96 billion, Brazilian exports to the Mexican market having reached US$ 3.58 billion.