Seminário da Pós-graduação do LNCC aborda ciência de dados e inovação com pesquisador do INRIA
"Ciência de Dados e Inovação", é o tema da próxima palestra que será oferecida no seminário organizado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação (PPG-LNCC). A palestra será conduzida por Patrick Valduriez, Pesquisador do Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique - INRIA . O evento ocorrerá na segunda-feira (22), às 14h.
Nesta apresentação será discutido o impacto da ciência de dados na inovação, utilizando casos de sucesso selecionados. Durante a palestra haverá troca de informações para a promoção da inovação dentro de empresas, especialmente através da inovação aberta. Por fim, será pontuada algumas inovações no contexto da parceria Inria-Brasil.
Assim como nas edições anteriores, as palestras são gratuitas e abertas ao público em geral. Os seminários acontecem de forma híbrida. No modelo online a transmissão será pelo aplicativo Zoom, e ao vivo pelo canal do LNCC no YouTube. Já no modelo presencial, a palestra ocorre no auditório B da instituição.
Para se inscrever neste webinar acesse:
Breve Currículo
Patrick Valduriez is an emeritus director of research at Inria, France, the scientific director of the Inria-Brasil international lab. and the Chief Scientist Officer of the LeanXcale company. He is also a collaborator in the Data Extreme Lab. (DEXL) at LNCC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
He spent most of his career at Inria as director of research, where he created and directed three teams (Rodin, Atlas and Zenith). He has also been a professor of computer science at University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), now Sorbonne University, in Paris (2000-2002), a researcher at Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp. in Austin, Texas (1985-1989) and a researcher at Inria (1982-1984).
He received his Ph.D. degree (advised by Professor Georges Gardarin) and Doctorat d'Etat in Computer Science from UPMC in 1981 and 1985, respectively. From 1995 to 2000, he was the manager of the Bull-Inria joint venture (called Dyade), which fostered technology transfer in IT and security. Dyade spined off five successful start-ups, including Kelkoo based on the Disco software that he built at Inria with his team. He has also been consulting for major companies in USA (HP Labs, Lucent Bell Labs, Microsoft), Europe (Ask, ESA, Eurocontrol, Shell) and France (Bull, Capgemini, Matra Marconi Space, Murex, Orsys, Schlumberger).
He is currently a member of the Zenith team (between Inria and University of Montpellier at the LIRMM lab.), focusing on data science, in particular data management in large-scale distributed and parallel systems and scientific data management. He has authored and co-authored more than 400 technical papers and several textbooks, among which “Principles of Distributed Database Systems” (with Professor Tamer Özsu, University of Waterloo). He currently serves as associate editor of the Distributed and Parallel Databases journal. He has served as PC chair of major conferences such as SIGMOD and VLDB. He was the general chair of SIGMOD 2004, EDBT 2008 and VLDB 2009.
He received the best paper award at several international conferences (VLDB 2000, SBAC 2005, VecPar 2008, SBBD 2017, DEXA 2020). He was the recipient of the 1993 IBM scientific prize in Computer Science in France and the 2014 Innovation Award from Inria and the French Academy of Science. He is an ACM Fellow, an AAIA Fellow and a Trustee Emeritus of the VLDB Endowment.
Coordenação de Pós-graduação e Aperfeiçoamento - COPGA
Serviço de Comunicação Institucional - SECIN