Distribuição de Tempo 2023B
Publicado em
16/12/2020 13h32
Atualizado em
21/06/2023 16h23
Distribuição de tempo soar 2023B | |||||||||
Projeto | Autor | Instituição | Titulo | Tempo Concedido | |||||
SO2023B-001 | Julio Ignacio Bueno de Camargo | ON | Physycal properties of small bodies in the Solar System through stellar occultations | 12.00 | |||||
SO2023B-002 | Paulo Vitor Souza dos Santos | UFRJ | Fine Structure of the Age-Chromospheric Activity Relation in Solar Type Stars: H-alpha | 35.00 | |||||
SO2023B-003 | Swayamtrupta Panda | LNA | Study of the diffused continuum emission in the context of continuum reverberation mapping of AGNs | 9.24 | |||||
SO2023B-005 | Felipe Navarete | SOAR | NIRSPECS-Wd1: NIR SPEctroscopic Survey of Westerlund1 members | 10.00 | |||||
SO2023B-006 | Felipe Navarete | SOAR | Confirming ultracool subdwarfs with TripeSpec | 40.00 | |||||
SO2023B-008 | Bárbara Luiza de Miranda Marques | INPE | Unveiling the emission gas properties in young radio galaxies | 40.00 | |||||
SO2023B-009 | Felipe Navarete | SOAR | Follow-up of O4 Kilonovae transients using SOAR | 8.00 | |||||
SO2023B-011 | Swayamtrupta Panda | LNA | Standardizing the BLR radius luminosity relation using the NIR Calcium triplet emission | 18.00 | |||||
SO2023B-012 | Swayamtrupta Panda | LNA | Unveiling the interplay between continuum and CIV emitting regions in high-redshift AGNs | 10.30 | |||||
SO2023B-014 | Rogerio Riffel | UFRGS | SO-SMARTY: SOar mileS Moderate resolution neAr infRared sTellar librarY | 52.00 ss | |||||
SO2023B-015 | Mateus Dias Ribeiro | UFRJ | First attempt to understand the Raman OVI emission-line variability of symbiotics systems in the LMC | 8.00 | |||||
SO2023B-017 | Chrystian Luciano Pereira | ON | Chiron's rotation light curve for 3D shape characterization | 24.00 | |||||
SO2023B-018 | Lucimara Pires Martins | UNICSUL | Dwarfs4MOSAIC: A 2D study of low mass galaxy analogs to the reionization epoch - a pilot study | 8.70 | |||||
SO2023B-019 | Francisco F.S. Maia | UFRJ | The VISCACHA survey: disentangling the history of the Magellanic Clouds using star clusters | 45.00 | |||||
SO2023B-022 | Marcelo Emilio | UEPG | A follow-up to TESS Cycle 6 observations of Be stars: searching for outbursts | 11.00 | |||||
SO2023B-023 | M. Belén Mari | UFRJ | Spectroscopic confirmation of symbiotic stars candidates identified in VPHAS+ (DR3) and ALLWISE | 8.00 | |||||
SO2023B-024 | Flavia Luane Rommel | UTFPR | Rotational light curve for the high-inclined TNO called 2004 XR190. | 45.00 | |||||
SO2023B-025 | Kethelin Parra Ramos | IAG/USP | The presence of diffuse light in fossil and non-fossil systems | 8.00 | |||||