Distribuição de Tempo 2022B
Publicado em
16/12/2020 13h32
Atualizado em
12/07/2022 16h59
Distribuição de tempo soar 2022B | |||||||||
Projeto | Autor | Instituição | Titulo | Tempo Concedido | |||||
SO2022B-008 | Clecio Roque De Bom | CBPF | SOAR Spectroscopy of LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA O4 Transients | 10.00 | |||||
SO2022B-003 | Julio Ignacio Bueno de Camargo | ON | Studying small bodies in the Solar System through stellar occultations | 3.00 | |||||
SO2022B-011 | Gabriele Ilha | UFSM | Probing the gas kinematics of the inner region of Red Geysers | 17.45 | |||||
SO2022B-015 | Eduardo Serra Cypriano | IAG | Investigating a bullet-like merging galaxy cluster caught in an early phase of interaction | 7.00 | |||||
SO2022B-018 | Martin Makler | CBPF | Testing general relativity in galaxies with combined velocity dispersion and gravitational lensing | 48.00 | |||||
SO2022B-013 | Francisco F.S. Maia | UFRJ | The VISCACHA survey: disentangling the history of the Magellanic Clouds using star clusters | 32.00 | |||||
SO2022B-014 | Felipe Navarete | SOAR | Identifying the Spin up Mechanism in Be stars | 27.50 | |||||
SO2022B-010 | Marçal Evangelista Santana | ON | Characterizing of the hyperbolic objects A/2021 X1 and C/2022 F1 | 18.00 | |||||
SO2022B-005 | Alejandra Romero | UFRGS | Pulsating hot DA white dwarfs: a new class | 28.00 | |||||
SO2022B-002 | Rafael Miloni Santucci | UFG | Finding the brightest very metal-poor star candidates of the Galaxy | 40.00 | |||||
SO2022B-019 | Marcelo Emilio | UEPG | A follow-up to TESS telescope observations: the outbursts of Be Stars | 8.50 | |||||
SO2022B-020 | Denimara Dias dos Santos | INPE | Location and physical conditions of the FeII emitting region in active galaxies | 20.00 | |||||
SO2022B-004 | Alejandra Romero | UFRGS | Follow-up observations of pulsating DA white dwarfs from TESS | 30.00 | |||||
SO2022B-012 | Jose A. Hernandez Jimenez | UNIVAP | Unraveling the stripping mechanisms of Fornax Cluster | 24.00 | |||||
SO2022B-007 | Swayamtrupta Panda | LNA | Observing strong Calcium triplet emitting active galaxies under the CaFe Project | 15.00 | |||||
SO2022B-006 | Dirceu Yuri Simplicio Netto | IAG | Wide binaries in Gaia EDR3 and TESS: Probes for Galactic archaeology and the star-planet connection | 20.00 | |||||
SO2022B-021 | Leandro de Almeida | LNA | Measuring Ca II H&K in bright solar-type stars to calibrate S-index at Mt. Wilson scale | 8.10 |