Distribuicao de Tempo 2021A
Publicado em
16/12/2020 13h32
Atualizado em
16/02/2022 14h19
Projeto | Autor | Instituição | Título | Horas |
SO2021A-015 | Julio I. B. Camargo | ON | Study of small bodies in the Solar System through stellar occultations | 6 |
SO2021A-005 | Fernando Custodio Cerqueira Campos | INPE | Coronal Line Forest AGN: physical properties of the NIR emission line regions | 40 |
SO2021A-017 | Raymundo Baptista | UFSC | Time-lapse infrared spectroscopy of the dwarf nova V2051 Ophiuchi | 10 |
SO2021A-002 | Leandro Kerber | UESC | An AO-assisted Survey of RR Lyrae Stars in Fossil Bulge Globular Clusters | 40 |
SO2021A-008 | Kepler de Souza | UFRGS | Follow-up Spectroscopy of Extremely-Low Mass White Dwarfs Identified in Gaia DR2 | 36 |
SO2021A-006 | Isabel Aleman | UNIFEI | Cosmic Lord of the Rings: the Eye of Sauron Contribution to the Galactic Cycle of Matter | 15 |
SO2021A-007 | Rafael Santuci Miloni | UFG | Finding the best very metal-poor stars in the Galaxy | 40 |
SO2021A-018 | Felipe Navarete | IAG | Unveilling H2 jets driven by protostars within massive clumps | 30 |
SO2021A-001 | Denise R Gonçalves | UFRJ | A spectroscopic survey of planetary nebula and symbiotic star candidates | 10 |
SO2021A-016 | Luis Gabriel Dahmer Hahn | LNA | The globular clusters of CenA in the near-infrared: how well will stellar population models do in the era of JWST and Roman Grace telescopes? |
18 |
SO2021A-012 | Alejandra Romero | UFRGS | Searching for low mass white dwarf pulsators | 24 |
SO2021A-014 | Henry Plana | UESC | Star Formation in HII Galaxies - The Kinematics Connection | 11 |
SO2021A-011 | Ramachrisna Teixeira | IAG | Revealing The Lensing Nature of Gaia GraL Gravitational Lens for DR2 and new DR3 Candidates | 16 |
LPs - Projetos de Longo Prazo |
SO2021A-101 | Daniela Lazzaro | ON |
Uncovering the "small" asteroid population
SO2021A-102 | Rogério Riffel | UFRGS |
AGN Before and After: Towards a balanced view of the connection between large-scale and circum-nuclear gas phases.