Functional Pollination Ecology - Volume 67 n2 2016
Plants, pollinators and some contributions from pollination biology to the ecological theory
Barônio, Gudryan J.; Maciel, Artur A.; Oliveira, Arthur C.; Kobal, Renan O.A.C; Meireles, Desirée A.L.; Brito, Vinícius L.G.; Rech, André R.
Abstract: EN PT / Text: PT / PDF: PT
When a floral visitor is a pollinator?
Alves-dos-Santos, Isabel; Silva, Claudia Inês da; Pinheiro, Mardiore; Kleinert, Astrid de Matos Peixoto
Abstract: EN PT / Text: PT / PDF: PT
Floral traits as potential indicators of pollination vs. theft
Souza, Camila Silveira de; Aoki, Camila; Ribas, Augusto; Pott, Arnildo; Sigrist, Maria Rosângela
Abstract: EN PT / Text: EN / PDF: EN
Functional diversity of reproductive traits increases across succession in the Atlantic forest
Warring, Bianca; Cardoso, Fernanda Cristina Gil; Marques, Marcia C.M.; Varassin, Isabela Galarda
Abstract: EN PT / Text: EN / PDF: EN
Heterospecific pollen deposition among plants sharing hummingbird pollinators in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Fonseca, Lorena Coutinho Nery da; Rech, André Rodrigo; Bergamo, Pedro Joaquim; Gonçalves-Esteves, Vania; Sazima, Marlies
Abstract: EN PT / Text: EN / PDF: EN
Pollen economy enhanced by heteranthery in Desmocelis villosa (Melastomataceae)
Ferreira, Queroanne Isabel Xavier; Araújo, Francielle Paulina de
Abstract: EN PT / Text: PT / PDF: PT
Atypical mating system in two Rubiaceae species: distyly with partial self-incompatibility in the thrum morph?
Matias, Raphael; Oliveira, Alexandre Silva de; Furtado, Marco Túlio; Sá, Túlio; Rodrigues, Ebenézer Barbosa; Oliveira, Paulo Eugênio de; Consolaro, Hélder
Abstract: EN PT / Text: PT / PDF: PT
Reproductive biology of Jacquinia armillaris (Primulaceae): an endemic species of the Brazilian restinga
Andrich, Mariana; Martins, Márcio Lacerda Lopes; Thomaz, Luciana Dias de; Brito, Letícia da Silva; Martins, Rodrigo Lemes
Abstract: EN PT / Text: PT / PDF: PT
Reproductive biology of Campylocentrum micranthum (Orchidaceae, Angraecinae)
Cabral, Paulo Roberto de Medeiros; Pansarin, Emerson Ricardo
Abstract: EN PT / Text: PT / PDF: PT
Reproductive biology and oil flowers in Cipura paludosa (Iridaceae)
Santos, Juliana Silva dos; Athiê-Souza, Sarah Maria; Almeida, Natan Messias; Castro, Cibele Cardoso de
Abstract: EN PT / Text: PT / PDF: PT
Reproductive biology and flower visitors guild of Pseudobombax marginatum (Malvaceae)
Pequeno, Izaac Damasceno; Almeida, Natan Messias; Filho, José Alves Siqueira
Abstract: EN PT / Text: PT / PDF: PT
Editorial: Studies in Functional Pollination Ecology
Rech, André Rodrigo
Text: EN PT / PDF: EN PT