Two new species of evergreens found in the Cerrado
The evergreen family has just had two new species described to science, both from the genus Paepalanthus and already classified as endangered.
Paepalanthus avacanoeiro Trovó & R. Silva-Oliveira occurs in the Chapada dos Veadeiros region and has been categorized as Critically Endangered (CR). Paepalanthus burle-marxii Trovó was found near Brasília, Pirenópolis, Luziânia and Santo Antônio do Descoberto (GO) and is classified as Vulnerable (VU).
The scientific article on the two new species was published on February 7 in the journal Phytotaxa. The authors are researchers Marcelo Trovó (UFRJ and ENBT/JRJ), one of the coordinators of the National Action Plan (PAN) for the Conservation of Plants of the Upper Tocantins Basin; Rafael Silva Oliveira (Unicamp); and Marcio Verdi and Eduardo Fernandez, from the National Center for Flora Conservation (CNCFlora/JBRJ.