PARNAM Abrolhos has its list published in the Catalog of Plants of the Protected Areas of Brazil
The Abrolhos Marine National Park had its list of species published in the Catalog of Plants of the Conservation Units of Brazil at the end of December 2023. Created in 1983, this fully protected conservation unit was the country's first marine national park and aims to conserve the region that is considered to be the most biodiverse in the South Atlantic.
The list contains records of 215 macroalgae, represented by 116 rhodophytes, 57 chlorophytes and 42 phaeophytes, as well as two angiosperms: Halodule wrightii Ascherson (Cymodoceaceae) and Halophila decipiens Ostenfeld (Hydrocharitaceae).
PARNAM Abrolhos has a total area of 879 km2 and is made up of two discontinuous areas: the Recife de Timbebas, located in the municipality of Prado, and another approximately 70 kilometers off the coast in the municipality of Caravelas, comprising the Abrolhos Archipelago - made up of the Redonda, Siriba, Sueste, Guarita and Santa Bárbara islands, all of volcanic origin, and the Parcel dos Abrolhos and the California Reef.
This UC is home to coral reefs that are considered priority areas for the conservation of marine biodiversity, due to their high endemism and their unique pinnacle-shaped formations, known as chapeirões. These reefs are threatened with extinction due to various factors: climate change, environmental pollution, commercial fishing, changes in land use and dredging. PARNAM Abrolhos is part of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve/UNESCO and a Ramsar Site.
To compile the list, the authors mainly used the collections of B.N. Torrano-Silva, deposited in the SPF herbarium of the University of São Paulo, and M.A.O. Figueiredo Guerra, in the RB herbarium of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro, and relied on CNPq Research Productivity and Senior Postdoctoral grants. Part of the floristic inventory was carried out under the Long-Term Ecological Research Program (PELD-Abrolhos).