Monitoring the PAN Upper Tocantins Basin: strategies advance the conservation of rare and endangered species in the Cerrado
By Bruno Umbelino
Monitoring of the National Action Plan for the Conservation of the Endangered Flora of the Upper Tocantins Basin (PAN Upper Tocantins Basin) shows that, one year into the plan, more than half of the planned actions are already underway. The progress of botanical expeditions, the implementation of long-distance trails as a conservation strategy and progress in the Campos do Cerrado and Flora Goiana Red List projects are among the main results.
The Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute (JBRJ), through the Center for Strategies for the Conservation of Endangered Flora (NuEC) of the National Center for Flora Conservation (CNCFlora), held the 1st Monitoring Workshop of the Upper Tocantins Basin PAN between August 19 and 22, 2024. The event was conducted virtually and focused on monitoring the actions aimed at conserving 98 endangered species that occur in the region of the Upper Tocantins Basin, covering the state of Goiás and the Federal District.
With the participation of 14 experts from various institutions, including members of the Technical Advisory Group (GAT) and representatives of NGOs, government agencies and universities, the workshop focused on assessing the progress of the 24 actions set out in the plan. Among the participating institutions were Aliança da Terra, the National Center for Research and Conservation in Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (CBC/ICMBio), the Department for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (DCBio/MMA), the Brasília Environmental Institute (IBRAM-DF), the
Brasília Botanical Garden (JBB-DF), State Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (SEAPA-GO), State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainable Development (SEMAD-GO) and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
Among the main results discussed was the progress of botanical expeditions, the implementation of long-distance trails as a conservation strategy, the Campos do Cerrado project and the Red List of Goiás Flora. The monitoring indicated that 54% of the actions planned in the PAN are being carried out, while 29% have not yet started as planned and 17% are facing problems in terms of implementation.
Marcio Verdi, coordinator of the Upper Tocantins Basin PAN and of NuEC/CNCFlora/JBRJ, emphasized the importance of securing financial resources for the success of the actions: “We're running out of time, especially with the end of the GEF Pro-Species Project, but the resources available have allowed important progress to be made in the prioritized actions. This has certainly increased the percentage of implementation of the PAN in its first year”. In all, seven actions benefited from the resources of the Pro-Species Project: all against extinction.
Marcelo Trovó, a professor at UFRJ and a member of the GAT, also celebrated the progress: “During the monitoring, I was very pleased to see that the PAN's actions are progressing well, and several of them are working together. With regard to the botanical expedition, of which I am the coordinator, it was very gratifying to find the threatened species in the field.”
With more than 70% of the actions already underway, the Upper Tocantins Basin PAN demonstrates a collective commitment to mitigating the risk of extinction of local flora species. The effort is essential to protect the region's biodiversity, which is facing increasing pressures, such as habitat loss and climate change.
PAN Upper Tocantins Basin
The National Action Plan for the Conservation of the Endangered Flora of the Upper Tocantins Basin (PAN Bacia do Alto Tocantins) was formalized in JBRJ Ordinance No. 15, of June 6, 2023, and is valid until 2028. The aim of the Plan is to “expand conservation measures for target species, environments and the maintenance of ecosystem services over 5 years, with the involvement of society as a whole”.
In order to achieve the proposed objective, the PAN establishes 24 conservation actions, divided into four specific objectives, which cover topics such as Research and Monitoring, Training and Communication, Management and Conservation, and Public Policies. These actions focus on the 98 species of flora targeted by the Upper Tocantins Basin PAN, of which 14 are classified as “Critically Endangered” (CR), 58 as “Endangered” (EN) and 26 as “Vulnerable” (VU). There are also 29 species classified in the “Near Threatened” (NT) category and 15 in the “Insufficient Data” (DD) category. The PAN territory covers part of the state of Goiás and the Federal District.
The Upper Tocantins Basin PAN is coordinated by JBRJ, through the CNCFlora Project Coordination Center Strategies for the Conservation of Endangered Flora (NuEC). The plan is monitored and followed up by the Technical Advisory Group (GAT) set up by JBRJ Personnel Ordinance No. 66 of June 6, 2023. The coordination and execution of conservation actions is carried out by more than 100 collaborators representing institutions from different sectors of society.
Access more information about the Upper Tocantins Basin PAN.