Clarification note on endangered species statistics released by IBGE
On May 24, IBGE released the document "Ecosystem accounts: endangered species in Brazil", based on data from the publication, by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA), of the update of the List of Endangered Species, through MMA Ordinance No. 148, on June 7, 2022. The data contained in the respective Ordinance are generated from the extinction risk assessment processes of Brazilian species carried out by the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (JBRJ), for flora, and by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), for fauna. In this sense, JBRJ clarifies that there was no update in 2023 of the List of Endangered Flora Species and has no responsibility for the format of the information released by IBGE.
The Flora data evaluated are made available by JBRJ through the Reflora and ConservaFlora Platforms and in JBRJ data repositories (