Catalog of Plants of Brazil's PAs has four new lists published
The Catalog of Plants of Brazil's Protected Areas had four new lists published in April. They are those of the Descobrimento National Park (PND), Pau Brasil National Park (PNPB), Monte Pascoal Historic National Park (PNHMP) - all three in Bahia, and Mata das Flores State Park (PEMF), in Espírito Santo. With the new additions, the Catalog now has 40 UCs with published plant lists.
The Descobrimento National Park, which celebrated the 25th anniversary of its creation in April 2024, covers an area of 22,607.74 hectares, and is a full protection conservation unit shared with the Pataxó ethnic group, as 20% of its area is under a double allocation regime with the Comexatibá Indigenous Land. Inserted in the Atlantic Forest, it is part of the Hileia Baiana, just like the Pau Brasil National Park and the Monte Pascoal Historical National Park.
The PND's plant list lists 233 species, of which 191 are angiosperms and 42 are ferns and lycophytes. Three species that occur in the PND are classified as Endangered (EN) and two have insufficient data (DD).
Also created in 1999, the Pau Brasil National Park (PNPB) covers 19,027.2218 hectares. Located in the coastal area of the extreme south of Bahia, in the municipality of Porto Seguro, this UC protects one of the largest remnants of Atlantic Tableland Forest still in a good state of conservation in the country and one of the largest remaining populations of pau-brasil (Paubrasilia echinata). Its list includes 262 species, of which 213 are angiosperms and 49 are ferns and lycophytes. Ten species are threatened with extinction and another two are DD.
With an area of 22,240.67 hectares, the Monte Pascoal National Historical Park (PNHMP) is also located in the municipality of Porto Seguro. It stands out for its cultural richness, with several indigenous villages of the Pataxó ethnic group, with management shared between ICMBio and the Pataxó communities. Its list includes 660 species, of which 643 are angiosperms and 17 are ferns and lycophytes. Of the total, there are 15 species classified as threatened and four DD.
The collections of these three Parks are deposited mainly in the CEPEC, NY and RB herbaria. The number of species listed for all three is considered low by researchers, who point to the need for intensive collection programs in these PAs.
The Mata das Flores State Park (PEMF) was created in 1992 in the municipality of Castelo, Espírito Santo, and covers around 800 hectares, at altitudes of between 100 and 780 meters. It is one of the last remnants of Atlantic Forest preserved in lowland areas in the south of Espírito Santo, and is considered to be of special importance for the conservation of both endemic species and crucial ecological processes in the face of the planet's changing climate.
The PEMF lists 349 species of vascular plants (275 angiosperms and 74 lycophytes and ferns), of which 12 are classified as endangered and two are data deficient (DD). The UC's collections are mainly deposited in the CAP, VIC and VIES herbaria.