Bromeliad Society International awards scholarship to ENBT student
Fabrício Carvalho da Silva, a student at the National School of Tropical Botany (ENBT), under the guidance of Dr. Claudio Nicoletti and the co-supervision of Dr. Igor Kessous, was recently awarded financial support from “The Harry E. Luther & Victoria Padilla Research, Conservation, and Education Fund” of the Bromeliad Society International, with the project entitled “Bromeliaceae Juss. In a Fragment of Caatinga: Sete Passagens State Park, Bahia, Brazil.”
This funding is specifically aimed at bromeliad research and conservation, and the amount awarded will be used to cover travel expenses, the purchase of equipment needed for laboratory and field work, as well as visits to herbaria, botanical gardens and participation in scientific events relevant to bromeliad research.
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