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The periodical Archivos do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro was created in 1915 by the then director of the Botanical Garden, Antônio Pacheco Leão, with the main purpose of divulging the scientific studies carried out by the scientists and technicians of the institution. Between 1915 and 1933, six volumes were published; from 1947 on, after a 14-year break, 27 more volumes were published, with the title already following the new spelling. In 1996 the publication was discontinued in volume 34 (part 2).
Since its creation, important botanists have published in this journal the results of their researches, most of them studies on the Brazilian flora. The theme "plant systematics" was the most frequent. Among the main collaborators in the first phase of publication were Alberto Loëfgren, Adolpho Ducke, João Geraldo Kuhlmann, Paulo Campos Porto and Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira. Their studies contributed particularly to the advance in the taxonomy of families of high diversity in the tropics, such as Cactaceae, Orchidaceae, Leguminosae and Eriocaulaceae and others. It is worth mentioning the great impact of the series started by Adolpho Ducke, Plantes nouvelles ou peu connues de la région amazonienne, still today the most expressive contribution to the knowledge of the Amazonian flora after Flora Brasiliensis, by Martius.
In later volumes, new authors of great relevance in Brazilian botany were added, among them Alexandre Curt Brade, Carlos Toledo Rizzini, Graziela Maciel Barroso and Edmundo Pereira with their vast contributions in taxonomy, besides Fernando Romano Milanez, Armando de Mattos Filho and Paulo Agostinho de Matos Araújo in the area of plant anatomy. In its final phase, between the 80's and 90's, the journal was the main vehicle to divulge the scientific production of a new generation of botanists involved in taxonomic, anatomical and phytogeographic studies, most of them graduated under the guidance of Brade, Graziela and Rizzini.
Throughout its 79 years of existence, the contribution of the national scientific community has stood out in the Arquivos, although several foreign botanists have also published highly referential articles on Brazilian plants. In summary, 297 articles were published by 139 botanists and scholars from related areas, among which 115 Brazilian and 22 foreigners.
Today, after an 18-year hiatus, efforts are being consolidated to reactivate the publication, already in the second half of 2012. The journal will focus on the publication of revision texts and texts originated from programs and projects of the staff of the Research Institute of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro and its partners, as well as the publication of studies by researchers from other institutions, both in Brazil and abroad.
Archives of the Institute of Plant Biology
Archives of the Forest Service Institute
Archives of the Botanical Garden
In 1934, the Botanical Garden became subordinated to the Institute of Plant Biology (IBV), a pure research entity, responsible for the launching of the scientific periodical Archivos do Instituto de Biologia Vegetal, which circulated from 1934 to 1938, with the objective of publishing original works carried out by the Institute's technicians and external scientists.
Subordinated directly to the Forest Service from 1938 on, the Botanical Garden started publishing its scientific production in Arquivos do Serviço Florestal, edited by this institute and running from 1939 to 1957. This title replaced the periodical Archivos do Instituto de Biologia Vegetal, with the same objectives as the previous one, that is, to publish original works carried out by technicians of the institute and by scientists from outside the institution.