10º Simpósio Internacional NORM 2022
O tema central do Simpósio Internacional NORM X é "Resíduos aplicados em uma economia circular", de 9 a 13 de maio, na Holanda. O desafio para o futuro é alcançar a economia circular, incluindo o reaproveitamento e reciclagem de resíduos NORM. O evento marca 25 anos de simpósios NORM (materiais radioativos de ocorrência natural). Entre os conferencistas, Luis Ernesto Matta, chefe do Serviço de Gestão Tecnológica do IRD.
Confira a programação:
Area 1: 25 years of NORM regulation
Title: t.b.a.
Speaker: Peter Görts (Senior Advisor at Dutch Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection)Area 2: Fundamental and practical implementation aspects of regulations to establish a circular NORM economy
Title: NORM residues and aspects of a circular economy – an overview from European HERCA perspective
Speaker: Jelena Mrdakovic-Popic (Senior Advisor at Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority and Actual chair of the “HERCA working group Natural Radiation Sources)
Abstract: click hereTitle: Circular Justice? An example of the Circular Economy Clashing with Environmental Justice in the United States.
Spreaker: Philip Egidi (Environmental Scientist at United States Environmental Protection Agency)
Abstract: click hereTitle: t.b.a.
Speaker: Miroslav Pinak (Head of the IAEA Radiation Safety and Monitoring Section)Area 3: Current and future challenges – NORM tailings and residues in a Circular Economy
Title: Revaluing NORM Residues: The Circular Economy Dividend
Speaker: Julian Hilton (Chairman at Aleff Group, United Kingdom)
Abstract: click hereTitle: t.b.a.
Speaker: Analia Canoba (Head of Scientific and Technical Support at the Argentine Nuclear Regulatory Authority)
Abstract: click hereArea 4: Environmental aspects of NORM
Title: t.b.a.
Speaker: Horst Monken-Fernandes (Scientific Secretary of the IAEA EVIRONET Network)Area 5: Industry
Title: t.b.a.
Speaker: Ulric Schwela (Director at Salus Mineralis)Area 6: NORM Sampling & Metrolo
Title: t.b.a.
Speaker: Luiz Ernesto Matta (Head of Service at the Institute of Radioprotection and Dosimetry (IRD), Brazil)Area 7: Stakeholder engagement and public communication
Title: NORM and TENORM in Pennsylvania: Past, Present & Future
Speaker: David J. Allard (Director at PA DEP Bureau of Radiation Protection, Pennsylvania United States)
Abstract: click hereTitle: t.b.a.
Speaker: Yevgeniya Tomkiv (Postdoctoral research fellow at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway)Area 8: Research and Development
Title: Research perspectives for embedding NORM in the circular economy
Speaker: Wouter Schroeyers (Associate Professor at the Hasselt University, Belgium)
Abstract: click hereArea 9: Transportation of NORM classified materials
Title: t.b.a.
Speaker: Eric H. Reber (Transport Safety Specialist at Transport Safety Unit/RIT NSRW/IAEA) -
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