The Regional Heritage Management Training Centre - Centro Lucio Costa / IPHAN was created based on the Agreement signed between the Government of Brazil and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on July 26, 2010, during the 34th meeting of the World Heritage Committee, in Brasilia. It is a Category 2 Centre, under the auspices of UNESCO and aims to expand its capacity to manage cultural and natural heritage and to promote cooperation in its regional scope, composed of 17 Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in South America, Africa and Asia. The countries' membership institutionalizes the Centre's multilateral structure, with a view to training the technicians and managers of the countries involved.
The action of the Centro Lucio Costa (CLC) aims to reinforce South/South Cooperation as a strategy for the integration of countries with common challenges. It has as its premise an integrated approach to the UNESCO conventions: the Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972), the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) and the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005).
The objectives of the CLC, as defined in the Agreement, include: to act as a reference centre in the areas of education, research, training, networking platform and creation of qualification through projects, programs and courses; to develop, to foster and to make available a collection of knowledge on preservation, safeguarding, management, monitoring, research and education; to contribute to the methodological development related to the preservation, safeguarding and management of heritage; to promote the qualification of heritage management for the member countries in the Region, and the exchange of information, cooperation among professionals and researchers in the area, and the exchange of experiences in heritage preservation, with emphasis on its management; and to promote and facilitate a worldwide network of educational and research institutions and organizations, with a view to devising solutions to wealth management problems.