Official copy of electronic patent application (WIPO-DAS and delivery)
The electronic official copy is a PDF file digitally certified by INPI. This file is:
- uploaded by INPI to the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Digital Access Service (WIPO-DAS), an international system of priority document sharing for IP offices. If the destination office uses DAS, the applicant shall only notify the office about the availability of the document, informing the access code generated as a result of its inclusion in the system.
- equally uploaded to INPI’s patent system, for download by the applicant, and its availability is notified by the delivery system. The file may then be submitted to the destination office if it does not use WIPO-DAS.
By having the request for official copy granted electronically, the applicant shall therefore receive two notices, each related to a system. See each one’s operation below.
he WIPO’s Digital Access Service (DAS) is an electronic system that enables the secure exchange of priority documents among IP offices. The system enables applicants and offices do meet the requirements of the Paris Convention in an electronic environment by using a digital certificate.
DAS enables INPI to make the priority documents available in its library. Once inserted, an access code is generated and informed to the applicant for the certified copy by email, according to figure below.
Email sent to the applicant by WIPO-DAS
Thus, the applicant can just request to the IP offices of interest that are a part of WIPO-DAS to retrieve those documents through the service by using the access code generated. The document exchange between the offices is electronic and easier, quicker, and more secure.
Availability of copy through the WIPO-DAS system
Depósito no Brasil = Filing in Brazil
Solicitam cópia oficial = Request of an official copy
O INPI gera uma cópia oficial = INPI generates a certified copy
INPI carrega a cópia no DAS = INPI uploads copy to the DAS
Cópia oficial disponível do DAS = Official copy available at DAS
Um código de acesso é gerado e encaminhado ao solicitante da cópia por e-mail = An access code is generated and forwarded to the applicant through email
O código de acesso é passado aos escritórios que pertencem ao sistema DAS onde deseja realizar depósito = The access code is forwarded to the offices in the DAS with which the application is filed
To learn more about WIPO-DAS and know the participating offices, click here.
Once the certified copy is available, the applicant will also receive a notice in the email address included in the registration with INPI’s systems, pursuant to the example below:
Notice of delivery through email
Sr. Usuário, = Dear User,
O requerimento efetuado por meio do protocolo 870170072870 e GRU 3158931707482257, recebido na unidade Protocolo Eletrônico INPI em 02/02/2018 às 16:45:25, foi atendido. = The application submitted through protocol 870170072870 and Federal Government Payment Form (GRU) number 3158931707482257, received in INPI’s Electronic Protocol on 2/2/2018 at 4:45:25 p.m. has been granted.
Para acessar seu documento consulte o processo BR 102016029389-8 na Busca Web do Portal do INPI utilizando seu usuário e senha. = To access your document, consult proceeding No. BR 102016029389-8 in INPI’s Portal’s Busca Web system by using your username and password
Este é um e-mail automático e não é necessário responder a esta mensagem. = This is an automatic email and replying is not necessary.
It is worth emphasizing that only the user responsible for the request for official copy has access to the document and that, therefore, access to the system must occur with the same login and password used upon delivery of the request for the copy. Once downloaded, the document can be sent to the destination offices. The figure below shows the process of availability of the electronic official copy through delivery.
Availability of the electronic official copy through delivery
Depósito no Brasil = Filing in Brazil
Solicitam cópia oficial = Request of an official copy
O INPI gera uma cópia oficial eletrônica = INPI generates an official electronic copy
INPI notifica o requerente (delivery) = INPI notifies the applicant (delivery)
Cópia oficial disponível no portal do INPI = Certified copy available at INPI’s Portal
O requerente retira a cópia mediante login no sistema de patentes = The applicant downloads the copy after logging in the patent system
In summary, by requesting an official copy, the applicant must pay attention to the proper form of meeting of the request, according to the scheme below:
Flow for making an official copy available
Solicitar Cópia oficial = Request of an official copy
Escritórios que aceitam cópia eletrônica = Offices that accept electronic copy
Se for para países que utilizam o sistema WIPO_DAS = If to countries that use the WIPO-DAS system
Eletrônica WIPO_DAS = Electronic WIPO-DAS
Se for para países que NÃO utilizam o sistema WIPO_DAS = If to countries that DO NOT use the WIPO-DAS
Eletrônica Delivery = Electronic Delivery
Escritórios que NÃO aceitam cópia eletrônica = Offices that DO NOT accept electronic copy
Papel = Paper