Reimbursement of Fees
Step by Step
1) Access the INPI’s portal;
2) In the “Acesso Rápido” header (Quick Access), select any of the INPI’s services (trademarks, patents, industrial design, etc.);
3) Click on “Custos e Pagamento” (Costs and Payment);
4) Click on “Sistema de Emissão de GRU” (GRU Issuance System)
5) Inform login and password;
6) Choose the option “Administração Geral” (General Administration);
7) Add the code 801 and press enter;
8) Select the Brazilian Federal Revenue Collection Slip (GRU) to be reimbursed and confirm. At this point, the system will show the information “zero Reais”, since there are no costs to file for reimbursement;
9) Finish the service;
10) Write the number that appears in the center of the screen, which will be a “Nosso Número” (Our Number) code 801, starting with five zeros and followed by another twelve digits;
11) Return to the reimbursement page: “Orientações para Restituição de Retribuição” (Guidelines for Reimbursement of Fees);
12) Click on “Peticionamento Eletrônico” (Electronic Petitioning) (below the image);
13) Use the exempt GRU number generated to access the reimbursement form.
It is necessary to file a petition for every GRU for which you want to be reimbursed; it is not possible to file an application to be reimbursed for several GRUs simultaneously.
Frequently Asked Questions
1) How do I file for reimbursement?
To file for reimbursement, just follow the instructions on the “Passo a Passo” (Step by Step) tab.
2) In which cases the reimbursement applies?
According to article 4 of Resolution INPI 204/2017, the cases in which reimbursements are applicable are:
I - Services in which the interested party failed to file his/her own petition;
II - Services paid twice (two different slips paid for the same service);
III – Brazilian Federal Revenue Collection Slip (GRU) paid twice (the same slip paid twice);
IV - Overpayment;
V - Situations within the scope of reimbursement provided for in the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), its Implementation Regulation, and complementary agreements in effect;
VI - Services paid with incorrect code;
VII - Services with incorrect application number;
VIII - Underpayment, without supplementation.
3) How can I track my reimbursement request?
All reimbursement requests are always published in the Industrial Property Journal (RPI), in the “Comunicados” (Notices) section. If the request has not yet been published in the RPI and you want to check it, just send the process number, or the number of your protocol, through the “Fale Conosco” (Contact Us) option, selecting the “Financeiro” (Financial) subject. The system response time is up to 7 days
4) What are the documents required to make my reimbursement request?
The documents required to request a reimbursement are listed in Article 7 of Resolution INPI No. 204/2017, which are listed below:
- Proof of payment of the GRU regarding the undue collection, for ALL CASES.
If the reason for reimbursement is double payment, it is necessary to attach the proof of payment of both slips, or at least inform the date of both payments in the justification field. However, you shall always attach the proof of payment regarding that GRU for which the reimbursement is claimed.
- Power of attorney with express powers to receive and give acquittance or equivalent expression, if the bank details reported in the form to receive the reimbursement are not in the name of the GRU holder.
The relationship between the attorneys-in-fact and the recipient, who shall receive the amount in his/her checking account, shall be evidenced. For example, if the power of attorney was granted to an attorney and the checking account is in the name of the office where he/she works, it is necessary to attach, in addition to the power of attorney, a document evidencing the relationship between them.
- Copy of the company’s instrument of incorporation, replacing the power of attorney, if the bank details provided are in the name of a managing partner or, in his/her absence, a majority partner of the legal entity that holds the GRU.
In addition to the abovementioned documents, others may be requested depending on the situation. For example, if a user is entitled to a discount on the fee for being a micro-enterprise, small-sized company, among others, but made a payment without the discount and wants the reimbursement of the overpayment, it is necessary to attach a declaration evidencing he/she belongs to this category.
5) I am a user of the Integrated System of Federal Government Financial Administration (SIAFI), how do I complete my reimbursement request?
Users of the federal SIAFI system do not have a checking account, so they will not be able to complete the standard reimbursement form. These users shall fill the checking account field with the information “99999999” and, in the “JUSTIFICATIVA” (JUSTIFICATION) field, they shall inform their bank, branch, and MANAGEMENT UNIT (UG)/MANAGEMENT.
6) If my process has a requirement, what should I do?
The address used by INPI to send eventual requirements is the electronic address informed by the applicant in the petition and reimbursement. The requirement message itself already comes with the instructions to be followed, as well as what the requirement is and the deadline of 30 calendar days for compliance. That is why it is essential that the applicant checks the email address informed in the petition until the moment of the reimbursement.
7) If my case is rejected, what can I do?
Every applicant has the right to appeal against the rejection of his/her reimbursement request. The instructions for appeal are published in the same rejection order, always in the RPI.
8) Are there any costs in the reimbursement process?
There is no provision for payment of fees for acts involving the reimbursement procedure.
9) If I ask for multiple refunds, should I apply for multiple cases?
Yes. For each slip you wish to be reimbursed, a reimbursement process shall be filled.
10) What is the deadline for the reimbursement request?
The deadline for petitioning the reimbursement is five (5) years after payment of the GRU.
If your question is not among the most frequent questions, please contact the Collection Service of this Institute, through the Fale Conosco (Contact Us) tab, selecting the “Financeiro” (Financial) option in the “Assunto” (Subject) box.
Warning about old processes
INPI informs that, during 2017, it published, in the “Comunicados” (Notices) section of the RPI, a sequential list of the processes of pending requests for reimbursement of fees, filed between 1995 and 2008, in order for the respective users to update their personal information for receipt of the amounts.
In addition, the full list of processes shall be published in RPI 2517 of February 2, 2019.
Interested parties who do not contact INPI as instructed in the notices shall have their cases filed sixty days after publication in the abovementioned RPI.
Laws and Regulations on Reimbursement
Note 045/2009 - Rule used for Reimbursement requests filed until July 30, 2015.
Resolution INPI 148/2015 - Provides for rules for procedures regarding the reimbursement of amounts unduly paid. For cases filed after July 30, 2015.
Resolution INPI 149/2015 - Institutes the sub-module for the Service of Reimbursement of Fees of the electronic application module of the electronic industrial property management system and makes other provisions.
Resolution INPI 204/2017 - Establishes rules and procedures related to the reimbursement of undue payments made to INPI. For cases filed after December 26, 2017.
Resolution INPI 205/2017 - Institutes the sub-module for the Service of Reimbursement of Fees of the electronic petitioning module of the electronic industrial property management system and makes other provisions. As of December 26, 2017.