COCOBRAZ 2nd Training Course 2025
04-13 July 2025
A joint Call for Collaborative Research Proposals was announced by FAPESP Brazil and he Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France’s national research funding agency in 2021 under the FAPESP-ANR joint agreement. INPE, IOUSP from Brazil and LOG from France submitted the proposal "COCOBRAZ: Characterization of Brazilian coastal waters biogeochemical quality evolution over the last two decades from satellite observation: impact
of natural and anthropogenic forcings" that was granted in April 2022.
Under the auspices of COCOBRAZ, a second training course will be offered on "Marine Optics and Ocean Color Remote Sensing", in July 2025, in Tamandaré, PE, Brazil. The first edition was held in July 2023 at the University of São Paulo in Ubatuba, São Paulo. The objective of these lectures is to provide fundamental and practical information on these topics in order to promote and facilitate the use of the potential now offered by "ocean color" observations to support a variety of scientific (applied or fundamental) research projects and activities dedicated to a diversity of fields from ocean biogeochemistry to coastal management or fisheries monitoring.
This second winter school, will also benefit from the support of the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and the associated International Joint Laboratory TAPIOCA ( as well as from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) and of the CEPENE-ICMBio.