Sustainable Taxonomy of Brazil
Action Plan
The establishment of a Sustainable Taxonomy in Brazil is a fundamental national public policy for sustainable and inclusive development. Brazil’s society is embarking on a process that, despite its accelerated timetable, aims to achieve results that will contribute to tackling the climate and nature crises, generating decent jobs and income and reducing inequalities. This Action Plan proposes objectives, a general structure, principles and safeguards, under consideration of the relevant sectors, that corresponds to the most important national and international commitments in favor of the life of all species.
In this document, the public, private and academic sectors and civil society institutions have a first agreement on a taxonomy that is genuinely committed to a collective vision of the future, which will guide investments toward a new dynamic economy capable of generating decent work, promoting competitiveness and productivity, tackling environmental and climate challenges, and reducing inequalities in all their dimensions.
Other Documents
Along the Action Plan, there are two other documents, one containing comments in response to contributions from the Public Consultation in the "Contribuições Comentadas"; finally, all the files sent beyond the Participa + Brasil platform are compiled in the "Textos Enviados". These files, in turn, will not have an English version.