Strengthening of The Productive Sector
The ETP also encompasses fostering technological deepening in the Brazilian productive sector, promoting decarbonization through sustainable alternatives that impact supply chains and generate well-paid green jobs. The aim is to stimulate the development of products with high added value, driving economic growth and income distribution.
One of the central measures for this purpose is the resumption of investments in Research and Development (R&D), which was achieved by the full unblocking of the Scientific and Technological Development Fund (FNDCT). Additionally, resource allocation is being redesigned to reduce fragmentation and, instead, focus on large national missions related to decarbonization and integrating academia with the productive sector.
Through a Technological Orders program, public procurements for research, development, and innovation will be made, involving technological risk, to solve specific technical problems or obtain innovative products, services, or processes not available in the market. This aims to leverage the purchasing power of the Brazilian state to support innovation in strategic sectors for transitioning to a green economy in Brazil.
The Sustainable and Innovative Federal Universities program, in turn, aims to structure and strengthen the Technological Innovation Centers (NITs) of Federal Institutions of Higher Education, Federal Institutes, and other Science, Technology, and Innovation Institutions. The NITs play a central role in managing the institutional innovation policy of scientific and technological institutions in the country, especially in their interactions with the productive sector. Measures will also be adopted to support the training of high-level workforce through postgraduate programs and a network of technical schools associated with local productive arrangements.
To contribute to the technological deepening of the national productive sector, Local Content Policies will be strengthened, through the cautious and well-calibrated establishment of national content requirements in government purchases and public instruments of promotion and incentive to sectors related to ecological transformation. Furthermore, the MOVER Program has already sparked the interest of several companies in the automotive sector to modernize their industrial parks for local production of electric and hybrid vehicles, with tax incentives that have already enabled the announcement of over R$100 billion in new industrial investments.
The ETP also includes measures to support the domestic production of solar panels and wind turbine components. Brazil has significant potential for expanding energy production from solar and wind sources, especially with the possibility of developing low-carbon hydrogen on a commercial scale in the country. This circumstance represents a relevant opportunity for the country to articulate the growing demand for solar and wind energy sources with the expansion and strengthening of the productive chains in these segments, through investments in research and development and competitive credit.
Axis 2: Strengthening of The Productive Sector
- Replenishment of federal resources for R&D, with allocation for clear missions, integrated with the productive sector and aimed at ecological transformation.
- Brazil’s New Industry, a neo-industrialization program with strategic missions.
- Technological orders to boost technological innovations from the missions of the New Industry Brazil program.
- Tariff, credit, and R&D policy aimed at boosting strategic sectors, with goals, deadlines, mapping of chains, and aligned with New Industry Brazil.
- Local content in public purchases linked to energy transition and sustainable mobility.
- Technology Innovation Centers structured in universities.
- High-level workforce training for ecological transformation.
- Tax incentives aimed at incorporating value chains in Brazil.
- Competitive interest rates for innovation financing.