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The Ecological Transformation Plan (ETP) aims to promote a change in economic, technological, and cultural paradigms in favor of development through sustainable relationships with nature and its biomes, enabling the generation of wealth and its fair and shared distribution, with improvement in the quality of life for present and future generations.
The current development model—characterized by intensive use of natural resources, significant greenhouse gas emissions, and environmental degradation—has caused serious consequences for the quality of life of populations, such as extreme weather events, scarcity of natural resources, loss of biodiversity, reduced agricultural productivity, among others. Storms, floods, landslides, sea level rise, droughts, and heat waves have become increasingly frequent, affecting the poorest populations much more severely.
Preserving the environment and mitigating climate change require urgent coordinated actions on an international level. Environmental conferences have been important spaces for building consensus and shared goals among countries, with the Paris Agreement being a notable example, in which signatory countries committed to robust targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mechanisms for financing environmental preservation.
To meet these challenges, the world's major economies are adopting a wide range of measures aimed at restructuring their production towards building a new green economy. Indeed, the United States, the European Union, and China have recently launched economic plans with significant incentives for the local development of low-carbon technologies.
The scale of the restructuring plans adopted by central countries and the resulting changes in international trade flows represent a unique opportunity for Brazil to reposition itself globally and resume its national development project on environmentally sustainable and socially fairer grounds.
Our country has a set of comparative advantages with the potential to make it a leader in a new green economy, such as high availability of renewable energy sources, significant production of biofuels, ample reserves of strategic minerals for the energy transition, as well as extensive forest cover and the greatest biodiversity on the planet.
However, these advantages should not confine Brazil's role to mere exploitation of natural assets. It is essential that the national natural potential be leveraged to drive technological innovation, the complexity of the country's production structure, and the generation of knowledge-intensive and better-paying jobs.
The Ecological Transformation Plan represents, therefore, a new model of inclusive and sustainable economic development. Its challenge is to promote increased productivity through the creation and dissemination of technological innovations and the construction of sustainable infrastructure, leveraging the unique geographical and environmental characteristics of the country, the ample availability of renewable energy sources, and the abundant biodiversity that Brazil possesses.