Environmental Crimes: check out the activities of the PRF (Federal Highway Police)
he Brazilian Federal Highway Police (PRF) also fights environmental crimes and criminal organizations throughout the country. In 2021, it was responsible for seizing 36k m³ of wood, 237 tons of pesticides, 66 kg of gold, 1,000 m³ of coal; 2,848 related individuals were arrested.
In a new operation completed this month, focused on environmental crimes, taxation and public health crimes, 43 people were detained; 500 kg of pesticides; 118.9 m³ of wood; 3,592 units of smuggled products, including weapons, ammunition and illicit medicines have been seized.
The PRF works on actions to eliminate illegal logging on indigenous land, in operations that tackle border crimes in the Amazon region, and is part of the Guardians of the Biome Op, a joint force formed with the ambitious goal of eliminating illegal deforestation by 2028.
The Federal Highway Police also provides tactical air support during operations. The purpose of these operations is to combat environmental and socio-environmental illicit activities - mainly illegal deforestation - and intensify the pressure on the smuggling of wood.