Embraer recovering its full potential
Embraer, the Brazilian aerospace manufacturer of military and executive aircraft and the 3rd largest producer of civil aircraft in the world, is offering 1,000 new jobs in order to resume production, increase service, support product development, and open new businesses.
The volume of aircraft deliveries in 2022 is expected to increase from 15% to 25% compared to the previous year, and Embraer’s path to recovering its full potential shall continue for the next few years, as corroborated by studies presented by IATA.
Embraer ensured its “sustainability and engineering capacity in the face of the impacts caused by Covid-19 (…). A strategic plan (…) allowed the company to recover and resume a new growth cycle, which includes rehiring for operations”, says Embraer’s VP of PR Carlos Grinner.
New contracts directed at the resumption of aviation growth, and investments in technology, innovation and new businesses, created career opportunities in several areas of the company in the operating, engineering, administrative sectors, including some permanently remote jobs.
A flexible, agile environment, reconciling the interests of employees while strengthening the culture of innovation, knowledge generation and competitiveness, makes aviation giant Embraer increasingly attractive to talents who want to work in the challenging aerospace sector.