Brazil is an example in welcoming immigrants

- Credit: Romério Cunha
In the last ten years, the number of migrants in Brazil has almost tripled, and the immigrant profile has changed drastically in this period. It is estimated that more than 1.3 million people from other countries now reside in Brazil, originating mainly from Haiti and Venezuela.
In order to manage this intense flow, the Brazilian government created “Operation Acolhida”, a task force coordinated and executed by the Federal Government, with the support of UN agencies, international organizations and private entities.
From 2011 to 2020, more than 1.000.000 immigrants were registered in Brazil. As of 2019, Boa Vista, in the the state of Roraima, border with Venezuela, is the main point of entry, and more than 48,000 people have been granted the formal status of refugee (about 97% Venezuelans).
Operation Acolhida is also responsible for sanitary inspections, medical assistance, provision of food, safety, and socio-educational activities. They also moved more than 60k refugees to other cities, offering socio-economic opportunities to live, work and study regularly.