Brazil has a dedicated structure for promoting indigenous health
SESAI is a public health system that serves exclusively the indigenous populations. With a staff of +20k, it’s remarkable that +50% of the 14,200 certified healthcare professionals are themselves natives. This system also ensures medical infrastructure and sanitation actions.
Responsible for all aspects of indigenous health, SESAI acts to prevent and treat diseases: from routine exams, vaccination, pre natal, child and dental care, to the treatment of all clinical diseases, including chronic and life-threatening conditions.
There are 800,000 native Brazilians, belonging to 305 diverse ethnic groups, speaking 274 different languages, living in 6,000 villages, and occupying 13% of Brazil’s sovereign territory; an area larger than Germany, France and the United Kingdom combined.
These professionals and their dedicated, integral and strenuous work can be appreciated at the Virtual Exhibition specially prepared by SESAI - Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health.
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