23rd Brigade earns certification to join the Army Readiness Force
On July, the 23rd Jungle Infantry Brigade mobilized around 1,100 soldiers, 220 vehicles, 54 vessels and 2 HM-4 Jaguar helicopters, to certify the Brigade's Readiness Force. This activity was supported by the East Training Center and Ground Operations Command.
Several tactical actions, both offensive and defensive were been carried out, such as: river infiltration, through the jungle and air; operations against Irregular Forces; and isolation and siege of a location, culminating in the conquest of a stronghold.
The constructive simulations, or “war games”, were followed by virtual and live simulations. The activities took place in the Amazon region, in the state of Pará, Northern Brazil. After the Certification, the 23rd Brigade will remain in a state of operational readiness for a year.