Strategic Planning
The formulation of CVM´s strategy was based on fundamental concepts present in the major planning methodologies and involved the broad participation of CVM´s staff and society.
In step one, undertaken in the first two months of 2013, the technical team of the planning office held meetings with the Board of Commissioners members and heads of departments to present the methodology employed in the process. Then, three internal workshops were organized.
The first two workshops took place in april and june and were attended by the Board of Commissioners members and heads of departments. In addition to discussing the Purpose and the Values that guide CVM´s actions since its creation in 1976, the group held surveys, visits and meetings with external agents, among which investors, regulators from other jurisdictions, public institutions, the press, self-regulators, associations and experts.
Based on the expectations of these agents, on the experiences of international regulators and public national bodies, and on economic, political, legal, social and technological trends identified, the group defined the Strategic Objectives of the CVM for 2023.
The third workshop was held in early july and, in addition to the Board of Commissioners members and heads of departments, was attended by approximately 200 staff members - 1/3 of the total, composed by managers, analysts, executive agents, assistants, inspectors and attorneys from Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Brasilia.
Besides of continuing the work developed by then, the third workshop provided an important opportunity for integration among staff, stimulating the generation of ideas that will contribute to the continuous strengthening of the CVM.
The coming Chapters present the main results of this work and information about the managerial method, also known as PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action), which involves the structure for the implementation of projects and actions, communication policy and strategy review process.
Follow the link below to learn more about the Strategic Planning.