The CAPES/Volkswagen Foundation Excellence in Sustainable Urban Mobility Research Award was created through a Technical Cooperation Agreement between CAPES and the Volkswagen Foundation in 2021. Its objective is to stimulate and recognize the production of articles in academic or scientific journals related to Sustainable Urban Mobility.
The award will be granted to scientific articles accepted and/or published in scientific journals, which deal with:
Sustainable Urban Mobility from the Perspective of Light Vehicles
- Clean and alternative energy sources for light vehicles;
- Development of the Brazilian energy matrix, focused on providing increasingly clean, accessible, sustainable, technical, and economically viable energy sources;
- Light vehicles powered by electricity, exclusively and/or hybrid (combination of electric and combustion engines);
- New options and sources of fuel for light vehicles;
- Differentiated powertrain systems enabling the use of new cleaner and sustainable energy sources, such as fuel cells, biofuels in general, biomethane, ethanol, etc.;
- Use of connectivity to improve the mobility of urban delivery and passenger transport vehicles;
- Development and implementation of infrastructure in cities to enable the use and dissemination of light electric vehicles;
- Analysis, mapping, and reduction of pollutant emissions in the development and production cycle of light vehicles, at various stages, regarding the direct activities of automakers (study, development, testing and certification, manufacturing);
- Analysis, mapping, and reduction of pollutant emissions in the production chain of light vehicles (focus on suppliers and the auto parts industry);
- Analysis, mapping, and reduction of pollutant emissions from light vehicles during their lifecycle;
- Reduction of carbon emissions in the "well-to-wheel" concept;
- Disposal and recycling, in part or in whole, of light vehicles that are no longer in roadworthy condition.
Sustainable Urban Mobility from the Perspective of Heavy Vehicles (trucks and buses)
- Clean and alternative energy sources for heavy vehicles (trucks and buses);
- Development of the Brazilian energy matrix, focused on providing increasingly clean, accessible, sustainable, technical, and economically viable energy sources;
- Heavy vehicles powered by electricity, exclusively and/or hybrid (combination of electric and combustion engines);
- New options and sources of fuel for long-distance travel by heavy vehicles;
- Differentiated powertrain systems enabling the use of new cleaner and sustainable energy sources, such as fuel cells, biofuels in general, biodiesel, SAF (sustainable aviation fuel), etc.;
- Development and implementation of infrastructure in cities to enable the use and dissemination of heavy electric vehicles;
- Analysis, mapping, and reduction of pollutant emissions in the development and production cycle of heavy vehicles, at various stages, regarding the direct activities of automakers (study, development, testing and certification, manufacturing);
- Analysis, mapping, and reduction of pollutant emissions in the production chain of heavy vehicles (focus on suppliers and the auto parts industry);
- Paths and tools for accelerating the economic/financial viability of electric urban delivery vehicles, both for the industry and the end consumer (reduction of the Total Cost of Ownership);
- Feasibility studies, both technical and financial, of recycling lithium automotive batteries from heavy electric vehicles;
- Feasibility studies, both technical and economic, regarding low-carbon energy source options for commercial vehicles, considering the available Brazilian energy matrix;
- Use of connectivity to improve the mobility of urban delivery and passenger transport vehicles;
- Decarbonization of production processes and the value chain of commercial vehicles.
Sustainable Business Models Connected to Improvements in Urban Mobility
- Development, implementation, and expansion of business models that approach mobility as a service, such as subscription cars, car sharing, carpooling, integration of public and private modes, cost and fare unification, among others;
- Offer, acquisition, and shared use of new individual modes of transportation, such as scooters, bicycles, among others, using electric and/or active mobility as propulsion;
- Structuring and preparing cities and their inhabitants for the use of new shared transportation systems and means, especially those shared;
- Creation and offer of new payment methods for the use of public and/or private transportation;
- Development and implementation of infrastructure in cities to enable the use and dissemination of electric cars;
- Technological tools for collecting, managing, and offering data related to optimizing travel, traffic mapping, information about public transportation schedules and routes;
- Connection between mobility in cities, hybrid and remote work formats, and the decentralization of in-person job offerings (considering the performance of activities in areas farther from major centers);
- Research, mapping, and sociological and behavioral trials, from the historical and cultural perspective of society, as well as direct opinions of current and potential consumers, to map trends and identify the receptiveness and level of preparedness of the general public for new business models connected to improvements in urban mobility and the vision of mobility as a service.
The award consists of:
I - Airfare and daily allowances for the awarded authors to attend the award ceremony, which may take place in person, on a date and at a location to be determined, provided that CAPES budgetary conditions and the country's health conditions allow for the ceremony to be held in such a format. Only airfare for routes within the Brazilian territory will be covered;
II - Payment by the Volkswagen Group Foundation, through deposit into the authors' bank account, for the winning works in each of the three categories, in the following amounts, already discounted for applicable taxes (the responsibility for tax collection is the responsibility of the Volkswagen Group Foundation):
Sustainable Urban Mobility from the Perspective of Light Vehicles
$ 25.000,00
Sustainable Urban Mobility from the Perspective of Heavy Vehicles (trucks and buses)
R$ 25.000,00
Sustainable Business Models Connected to Urban Mobility Improvements
R$ 25.000,00
III Certificate for the awarded authors
IV Certificate ofrecognition for the graduate program na research from which the awarded article originated
Honorable mentions may be granted to works ranked 2nd and 3rd in each category, judged by the Evaluation Committee as having recognized quality.
Submissions of works must be made exclusively through the website from June 23 to August 8, 2022. The submission should include:
I. A copy of the complete article accepted and/or published in a journal, in digital format. II. Letter of acceptance of the article, dated and signed by the competent authority responsible for the scientific journal (only for articles not yet published). III. Declaration from the author agreeing to the award regulations. IV. Justification of the application, outlining the article's contribution. V. Copy/summary of the undergraduate thesis associated with the article or the proposal for an ongoing master's or doctoral thesis. VI. Author's curriculum vitae. VII. Completion of the Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Declaration.
Applications made through any means other than those indicated in the notice will not be accepted. The required documents should be submitted in digital format through the provided website. The absence of any of the listed documents at the time of registration implies the disqualification of the article. All data requested during registration will be used only for the identification, location, and payment to each awarded author.
For information related to this Notice, contact: Executive Coordination of Collegiate Bodies Email:
Cronograma da premiação:
23/06 – 06/08 |
Publicação do resultado preliminar no DOU
Outubro de 2022
Prazo para envio de recurso referente ao resultado preliminar
05 (cinco) dias corridos após a divulgação do resultado preliminar
Publicação do resultado final no DOU
Novembro de 2022
Solenidade de entrega do Prêmio
Novembro de 2022