Click here for appeals interposed to the Presidency concerning CTC-ES decisions made with the assistance of the Superior Council.
Click here to find legal ordinances designating the members of the Assistance Committee in charge of written analyses concerning appeals interposed in face of CTC –ES decisions.
The Superior Council is invested with the following competencies:
Art. 19th – The following are competencies of the Superior Council:
- To establish priorities and guide lines concerning proposals to the Presidency.
- To examine proposals of the Postgraduate National Plan to be sent to the Ministry of Education.
- To give assistance in the elaboration of the National Education Plan in the scope of CAPES.
- To evaluate priorities, criteria and proceedings concerning granting of scholarships and financial aids.
- To approve the Annual Plan for CAPES.
- To approve the Annual Budget.
- To approve The Annual Report Activities.
- To approve the appointment and exoneration of the Chief Auditor.
- To exam proposals concerning modifications in the Statute and Rules of Procedure.
- To exam appeals sent to the National Educational Council and
- To define the process and choice criteria regarding the choosing of coordinators in charge of the evaluation areas ascribed in Art. 3, §2 and send nominations in a triple list.
Presidência da CAPES