Ciência é 10
It is specialization course for graduate Science teachers of the Brazilian public system working in the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grades of basic education. It is a Distance Learning modality course approved by CAPES and certified by the Ministry of Education.
1- Participant Institutions
2- Como se inscrever
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6- Videos
1- Participant Institutions
The selective processes take place from September 2019 on and candidates can apply in any of 19 participant institutions.
States | IPES | Institutions | Link | Public notice link | Polos | Quantidade de alunos |
AM | IFAM | Instituto Federal do Amazonas | | | Carauari | 30 |
Ariquemes | 30 | |||||
Manaus | 30 | |||||
Lábrea | 30 | |||||
Tefé | 30 | |||||
Total | 150 | |||||
BA | IFBA | Instituto Federal da Bahia | | | Salvador | 20 |
Mata de São João | 20 | |||||
Mundo Novo | 20 | |||||
Pintadas | 20 | |||||
Seabra | 20 | |||||
Bom Jesus da Lapa | 20 | |||||
Vitória da Conquista | 20 | |||||
Brumado | 20 | |||||
Ilhéus | 20 | |||||
Itabuna | 20 | |||||
Itaberaba | 20 | |||||
Macaúbas | 20 | |||||
Polo UFS (Sergipe) | 20 | |||||
Polo 2 (Sergipe) | 20 | |||||
Polo 3 (Sergipe) | 20 | |||||
Total | 300 | |||||
CE | UNILAB | Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira | | | Quiterianópolis-CE: Santa Clara | 30 |
Boa Viagem-CE: Centro | 30 | |||||
Canindé-CE: Bela Vista | 30 | |||||
Redenção-CE: Centro | 30 | |||||
São Francisco do Conde-BA: Centro | 30 | |||||
Total | 150 | |||||
DF | UnB | Universidade de Brasília | | | Alto Paraíso do Goiás | 20 |
Anápolis | 20 | |||||
Caldas Novas | 20 | |||||
Goiás | 20 | |||||
Goiânia | 40 | |||||
Brasília | 50 | |||||
Planaltina | 30 | |||||
Jataí | 20 | |||||
Total | 220 | |||||
ES | UFES | Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo | | | Castelo | 25 |
Itapemirim | 25 | |||||
Mantenópolis | 25 | |||||
Pinheiros | 25 | |||||
Santa Leopoldina | 25 | |||||
São Mateus | 25 | |||||
Vanda Nova do Imigrante | 25 | |||||
Vila Velha | 25 | |||||
Total | 200 | |||||
MA | UEMA | Universidade Estadual do Maranhão | |
Loreto | 30 | |
Bom Jesus das Selvas | 30 | |||||
Carolina | 30 | |||||
Coelho Neto | 30 | |||||
Fortaleza dos Nogueiras | 30 | |||||
Imperatriz | 30 | |||||
Grajaú | 30 | |||||
Caxias | 30 | |||||
Porto Franco | 30 | |||||
Paraibano | 30 | |||||
Santa Inês | 30 | |||||
São Luís | 90 | |||||
Viana | 30 | |||||
Total | 450 | |||||
MA | UFMA | Universidade Federal do Maranhão | | | Açailândia | 30 |
Anapurus | 30 | |||||
Arari | 30 | |||||
Nina Rodrigues | 30 | |||||
São Luís | 30 | |||||
Total | 150 | |||||
MG | UFTM | Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro | | | Araxá-MG | 30 |
Franca-SP | 30 | |||||
Ituiutaba-MG | 30 | |||||
Jales-SP | 30 | |||||
Uberaba-MG | 30 | |||||
Total | 150 | |||||
MG | UFVJM | Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri | | | Águas Formosas | 20 |
Araçuaí | 30 | |||||
Mantena | 20 | |||||
Nanuque | 20 | |||||
Padre Paraíso | 30 | |||||
Teófilo Otoni | 30 | |||||
Total | 150 | |||||
MG | UFU | Universidade Federal de Uberlândia | | | Bambuí | 30 |
Ilicínea | 30 | |||||
Ipatinga | 30 | |||||
Paracatu | 30 | |||||
Primavera do Leste | 30 | |||||
Total | 150 | |||||
MT | UFMT | Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso | | | Cuiabá | 40 |
Água Boa | 30 | |||||
Sorriso | 30 | |||||
Rio Brilhante | 50 | |||||
São Gabriel do Oeste | 50 | |||||
Total | 200 | |||||
PE | IFPE | Instituto Federal de Pernambuco | | | Águas Belas | 50 |
Carpina | 50 | |||||
Limoeiro | 50 | |||||
Palmares | 50 | |||||
Pesqueira | 50 | |||||
Santa Cruz do Capibaribe | 50 | |||||
Total | 300 | |||||
PR | UEL | Universidade Estadual de Londrina | | | Assaí | 30 |
Bandeirantes | 30 | |||||
Faxinal | 30 | |||||
Apucarana | 30 | |||||
Londrina | 30 | |||||
Total | 150 | |||||
RR | IFRR | Instituto Federal de Roraima | | | Alto Alegre | 30 |
Bomfim | 30 | |||||
Caroebe | 30 | |||||
Pacaraima | 30 | |||||
Mucajaí | 30 | |||||
Uiramutã | 30 | |||||
Total | 180 | |||||
RR | UERR | Universidade Estadual de Roraima | | | Amajari | 30 |
Caracaraí | 30 | |||||
Normandia | 30 | |||||
Rorainópolis | 30 | |||||
São João da Baliza | 30 | |||||
Boa Vista | 30 | |||||
Total | 190 | |||||
RS | UFRGS | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | | | Lajeado | 40 |
Gravataí | 40 | |||||
Passo Fundo | 40 | |||||
Porto Alegre | 40 | |||||
São Francisco de Paula | 40 | |||||
Total | 200 | |||||
RS | FURG | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande | | | Bagé | 50 |
Rio Grande | 60 | |||||
São Lourenço do Sul | 30 | |||||
Santo Antonio da Patrulha | 30 | |||||
Cachoeira do Sul | 40 | |||||
Mostardas | 30 | |||||
Total | 240 | |||||
SC | IFSC | Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina | |ências+para+os+Anos+Iniciais+do+Ensino+Fundamental+–+Ciência+é+dez.pdf/4cd08c39-1a17-48a8-bdd6-c6e9ad4bb786 | Criciúma | 40 |
São José | 40 | |||||
Itapema | 40 | |||||
Indaial | 40 | |||||
Laguna | 40 | |||||
Total | 200 | |||||
SP | UFABC | Universidade Federal do ABC | | | Bragança Paulista | 30 |
Peruíbe | 30 | |||||
Diadema | 20 | |||||
Guarulhos | 30 | |||||
Campinas | 30 | |||||
São José dos Campos | 30 | |||||
Vila das Belezas | 30 | |||||
Total | 200 |
2- Applications
3- Learn More
What it is
Science a Plus is a specialization course for Science teachers working from the 6th to the 9th grades of the public Brazilian education system. The Science A Plus course is approved by CAPES and certified by the Ministry of Education.
Science A Plus offer tools, contents and methodologies that might contribute to the quality of everyday classrooms activities of Science teachers. The course takes as a starting point the concept of science as investigation and proposes new challenges for pedagogical activities.
How it works
Science A Plus is divided into three modules, with a total of 480 hours. Module Nº 1 consists in150 hours of study; Module nº 2, of 240 hours and Module nº 3, with 90 hours. It is based in four axes: LIFE, ENVIRONMENT, UNIVERSE and TECHNOLOGY, always stressing creative and transversal approaches.
Teachers from the public educational basic education system who wish to offer high standard creative activities for his/her students in the classroom , thus helping in the individual and social development of his/her pupils and and broadening their interest in scientific knowledge.
Science A Plus is a initiative of the Ministry of Education, through the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education – CAPES. The Open University of Brazil, operating from CAPES´ structure, promotes partnerships between the federal, state and municipal levels of government and higher learning institutions in the Country, thus stimulating the Distance Learning modality of learning. Priorities in vacancies are given to basic school teachers.
There are 20 higher learning institutions involved in the Science A Plus program, and the course is offered in its full in the 133 Open University Centers spread throughout Brazil. They consist of pedagogical, technological and administrative spaces for teaching and learning of courses and programs offeredby the Open University of Brazil. They are located preferentially in mid-size towns – with population between 20 to 50 thousand inhabitants with adequate academic facilities.
- Module 1: Science A Plus, An Introduction (30 h)
- Module 2: Asking and Answering, Always Gaining (240 h)
- Module 3: Talking from Experience (90 h)
4- My Profile
5- Pedagogical Material
- Documents: Decree
- Support Material: Logo and Pedagogical project
- Literature: Bibliographical references
Literature: Bibliographical References
6- Contact