Long-Distance Education
Professional Master Programs in National Network
The Professional Master Program for the Qualification of Basic Education Teachers – ProEB aims at the continuous stricto sensu qualification of teachers at work in the national public educational network.
The initiative is a partnership between Capes and associated institutions responsible for the implementation and execution of national courses in areas and themes related directly to the improvement of Basic Education.
Capes supports this initiative through the concession of scholarships to teachers at work in the national public educational network and the granting of financial benefits to the higher learning institutions particpating in the programs.
Each of the in-person courses is guided by a national management committee, responsible for their management and pedagogical proposals.
Open University of Brazill
The Open University of Brazil System (UAB) was created by Decree nº 5.800 of June 8th, 2006 in order to “develop the Distance Education modality, thus expanding the offer of higher education courses and programs in the country.”
The OUB is an integrated system composed of public universities and offers courses in the Distance Education modality (EaD) mainly for the initial and continuos qualification of basic education teachers, directors, managers and public servants working in the states, municipalities and the Federal District (DF). The System is composed of 151 Higher Learning Institutions (IPES), offering 800 courses in 1.072 centers (numbers updated in January, 2025)
The Distance Education Centers are kept mainly in colaboration agreements with the municipalities and states and aims at guaranteeing academic, technological and administrative support to teaching-learning activities.