Selection for PinCade 2025 is available

On 26 August, the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE), launched a public notice for the 44th Edition of PinCade. In total, 20 applicants are going to be selected to join the programme, 15 undergraduate and five postgraduate students in different fields of expertise. From 14 October to 1 November, university students from all regions of Brazil can enrol in the programme.
PinCade will take place from January to February 2025, aiming to provide university students activities on competition defence, as well as promote research collaboration and stimulate debate on competition matters.
Students will take part in case studies and reviews, and elaborate technical opinions and reports regarding current cases under CADE’s scrutiny.
CADE’s members and antitrust experts will conduct an intensive course on competition defence to selected participants. Additionally, students are to take part in activities at the Office of the Superintendent General (SG), the Department of Economic Studies (DEE), and the Office of the Attorney General. The exchange programme provides guided tours to agencies related to competition defence.
In the end, students must write an article to conclude the course. It is going to be evaluated, as well as punctuality, attendance, and other activities undertaken in the agency.
The Selection
To participate, students must fulfil requirements foreseen in the public notice and submit the form available on the official website. Graduate students must enrol in the second semester of 2024 from the fifth semester onwards in courses related to law, economics, political science, among others. Postgraduate students must be regularly enrolled in a a Master’s or PhD program.
Former participants who are civil servants or interns, or who hold a commissioned position at CADE, as well as lawyers or students working on cases in the agency, are not allowed to sign up.
Students must attach a curriculum, a cover letter, an essay, and the documentation in the registration form.
During the selection process, CADE searches for representatives from the five regions of Brazil, aiming to exchange culture and experiences, and promote competition defence around the country.
Access the public notice, and for more information access the PinCade website.