FDD clears CADE’s digital transformation project

The Fund for De Facto Joint Rights (FDD) cleared a BRL 20 million funding for the digital transformation project of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE). The initiative’s goal is to modernise the authority’s technological infrastructure, improving the accessibility, efficiency, and speed of the services provided.
The project will be implemented over 18 months, as of 2025, and it is organised in four big areas. First, it provides the development of new digital solutions and interactive panels to give support to the decision-making process, making the antitrust analyses faster and more precise. In addition, the modernisation will benefit current services, such as consultations to data on CADE’s case law and mergers digital notification.
Another part of the plan aims to improve active public transparency, facilitating society’s access to institutional information and data on CADE’s performance. The new digital tools are expected to provide an upgrade to the authority’s hearing room, with audio and video solutions, and support to the hearings.
The third stage is related to data and communication security, adopting new technologies for data protection and mitigation of cyber risks. CADE aims to ensure that data is stored and prosecuted in a more secure and reliable way.
Upgrading the technological infrastructure of the institution will provide the systems’ update and the implementation of new digital platforms, cutting red tape, and making public services faster and more efficient. Thus, citizens and companies will have access to CADE’s services in a more intuitive way, ensuring more accessibility and digital inclusion.
Ms Bruna Cardoso, director of the Management Office at CADE, highlighted the importance of investment to modernise the antitrust authority. “This project reinforces the agency’s commitment with innovation and transparency. The new step of services’ digitalisation not only makes us more efficient, but it also improves society’s access to data on CADE’s performance, providing a competition defence policy that is more efficient and inclusive”.
This proposal is aligned with the Estratégia Federal de Governo Digital (Brazilian Federal Government Digital Strategy - ENGD) and reinforces CADE’s commitment with innovation and modernisation in the public sector. The initiative is expected to directly benefit citizens and companies, strengthening the Brazilian competition environment and keeping up with technological trends that other antitrust authorities have adopted worldwide.