CADE signs technical cooperation agreement with Comptroller General of Santa Catarina

On 27 September, the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) signed a technical cooperation agreement with the Comptroller General of the state of Santa Catarina (CGE-SC). The cooperation aims to mutually improve their institutional performance, either by preventing and suppressing antitrust violations, or by regulating, monitoring, or enforcing economic activities in the Brazilian electric power sector in the state of Santa Catarina.
The agreement is divided into three parts: increase in communication between CADE and the CGE-SC, exchange of information and documents when investigating cartel activities and other violations, and the possibility of development and improvement of the techniques and procedures used in cartel investigations. The measures would take place through exchange of information and joint negotiations, being a natural result of a closer work between CADE and the institution.
Mr Alexandre Cordeiro, president of CADE, explained that the cooperation agreement is a major step towards the empowerment of competition defence in Brazil: “By joining efforts with the Comptroller General of Santa Catarina, the efficiency to prevent and fight antitrust violations is assured, therefore, promoting a fair and balanced competitive environment,” he stated.
Both President Alexandre Cordeiro and Pedro Waltrick Junior, Comptroller General of the CGE-SC, signed a technical cooperation agreement for a five-year term, with an action plan until the second semester of 2029.