CADE launches study concerning decisions in gas retail
On 12 March, the Administrative Council for Economic Defense – CADE, launched a study on gas retail entitled “Cadernos do Cade – Varejo de Gasolina”. The publication presents CADE’s past positions concerning antitrust policy in the market, aiming at increasing the transparency of CADE’s decisions.
The publication analyzes the regulatory and production aspects of the gas market. Furthermore, the publication consolidates CADE’s decisions from 1996 to 2013. The study focus on cartel cases, particularly, those condemned by CADE’s Tribunal. The publication also approaches mergers and its competition aspects, such as relevant market, and the relation between the distribution companies and gas stations.
The theme “gas retail” was chosen as it is a sector with a high number of cartel complaints, and for being a sector with consolidated jurisprudence.
This is the first study conducted by CADE’s Economic Studies Department. CADE’s publications will tackle relevant aspects of the decisions of the antitrust agency in a wide range of economic sectors, compiling material for lawyers, economists, public managers, students, and other interested parties to consult.