CADE launches study about the agency’s decisions in the supplementary health market
On 10 June 2015, the Administrative Council for Economic Defense – CADE launched the study “Cadernos do Cade – Mercado de Saúde Suplementar: Condutas”. The publication presents CADE’s past positions concerning antitrust policy in this market, in order to provide the transparency of CADE’s decisions.
This publication analyzes how the agency has been treating certain actions by market agents, which can be part of illicit conducts in terms of competition, resulting in serious damages to the consumers. Among the topics discussed in the study there are price fixing and unimilitância (a prohibition imposed on doctors that are part of the cooperative to work for other health insurance plans).
The topic was chosen because the referred market affects the life of millions of citizens on a daily basis.
This is the second volume of a series of studies which will be regularly edited by CADE’s Economic Studies Department. CADE’s publications address relevant aspects of its own decisions in a wide range of economic sectors, being a reference material for lawyers, economists, public managers, students, and other interested parties.