CADE launches enquiry into abuse of dominant position by Google and Meta in case involving ‘Fake News’ Bill
On 2 May, the Office of the Superintendent-General of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) launched a preliminary enquiry into alleged abuse of their dominant position by Google and Meta related to Bill 2630, known as the ‘Fake News’ Bill.
The decision considered complaints that Google and Meta used the Google, Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram platforms improperly to lead a campaign against the bill. The behaviour received widespread coverage by the Brazilian press in the news.
The order to launch a preliminary enquiry points out how CADE is aware of and working to avoid antitrust violations in digital markets. Considering how dynamic the sector is and its relevance for the global economy, the authority understands the necessity of imposing timely and effective remedies according to its legal duties and responsibilities.
The document also indicates that Google and Meta are the subjects of other ongoing investigations due to evidence of antitrust violations. Administrative Enquiry 08700.002940/2019-76 (the Google Android case), Administrative Enquiry 08700.003498/2019-03 (the Google News case), and Administrative Enquiry 08700.006751/2022-78 (the Jedi Blue case).
Preliminary Enquiry 08700.003089/2023-85 is public and accessible via CADE’s Electronic Information System.