CADE Journal indexed to renowned scientific literature database Scopus
The academic journal of CADE, Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (RDC), has been indexed to the Scopus platform—one of the largest abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed scientific literature globally—aimed towards researchers, students, administrators and librarians of the entire academic community.
The RDC journal underwent a rigorous selection process to integrate the system, which evaluated more than 30 criteria. It included whether the periodical has a peer review process, regular publication schedule, relevant and understandable content for foreigners, ethical directives, geographic diversity, and antiplagiarism policy.
Scopus combines a comprehensive abstract and citation database arranged by specialists with enriched data associated with various academic literature subjects. The tool rapidly finds relevant and trustworthy research, identifies specialists, and offers access to reliable data, metrics and analytical tools.
Consequently, the RDC will now have greater national and international visibility and credibility, and attract authors in Brazil and abroad, further contributing to the quality of published works.
Member of the journal's editorial coordination, the civil servant Caio Barros notes the positive evaluation the journal has been receiving from renowned entities and professionals.
“It is rewarding to witness the acknowledgement of the teamwork that the new editorial team has been conducting for some years. I thank the consultants that worked with us in the journal, our chief editor, Commissioner Luís Braido, and the whole community. Without the authors and the referees, this work would not be possible. This recognition increases our responsibilities considerably, but we are prepared for it,” stated Mr Barros.
CADE’s periodical will continue to follow scientific best practices, supporting the agency in disseminating the competition culture. According to Barros, future expectations include the internationalisation of the journal, publishing more work of authors related to foreign institutions, and decentralised published articles—comprising contributions from different regions of Brazil. Moreover, the team works on indexing the journal to other relevant international databases.
A3 qualification by CAPES
In 2022, the Revista de Defesa da Concorrência recorded another significant event. It rouse category of the quality evaluation of the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES), an agency of the Ministry of Education. The journal was qualified for the A3 category on the Qualis system of CAPES. Qualis system evaluates the quality of scientific articles, and the publication rose two levels in the two areas of knowledge analysed—Law and Economics.
Revista de Defesa da Concorrência
The antitrust journal of CADE is a free electronic scientific journal of open access that publishes the academic work of researchers, members of non-governmental organisations, and national or foreign public agents through a transparent, ethical, and upright editorial process. The content of publications relates to competition defence, even though from an interdisciplinary perspective that comprises Law, Economics, International Relations, and co-related fields.
CADE issues two editions per year to foster academic production on competition defence. The first issue under the current format was launched in the first half of 2013, bringing editorial