Ports and airports: updated guidelines
Published: 23 April 2020
Anvisa published two technical notes with guidelines for combating Covid-19 at Brazilian ports of entry. The Technical Notes 62/2020 and 65/2020 replace previous documents on the same matter.
The new guidelines include the definition of suspected case, according to the Ministry of Health, as well as updated information on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
The documents offer valid recommendations for civil servants working on ports and airports, such as Health Professionals, Federal Policemen, and Customs Agents. Besides, they are also valid for other professionals who work on ships and aircraft or have close contact with travelers.
For travelers and other workers, one of the recommendations is that everyone must use facemasks, either professional or homemade masks.
Airports and aircraft
Technical Note 62/2020 shows the sanitary measures to be adopted in airports and aircraft. Among the recommendations, there are specific guidelines for air medical services and for air operators, including air taxis.
Os operadores aéreos com menos de 19 assentos devem, por exemplo, ter disponíveis suprimento à base de álcool em gel 70% para higienização das mãos, disponibilizar os EPIs¿necessários à¿tripulação, promover a higienização da aeronave, entre outras recomendações.
For instance, air operators with less than 19 seats should have a 70% alcohol-based sanitizer supply for hand hygiene, make the necessary masks available to the crew, and promote aircraft hygiene.
In addition, air operators providing medical service must follow other procedures, among them the rules enacted by Anvisa Technical Note 04/2020, applicable to health services in general.
Ports and vessels
Equally important, Technical Note 65/2020 stablishes the sanitary measures to be adopted in ports and vessels. It brings specific recommendations for passenger vessels and companies, such as merchant ships, river and ocean liners, and ferryboats.
Furthermore, the note provides guidance related to offshore platforms, sport and recreational vessels, sailboats and yachts (in maritime and river areas).
Check here the full version of the technical notes (texts in Portuguese):
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