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Since May 21 there are no more covid-19 health restrictions to enter Brazil. After the end of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), as announced by the World Health Organization (WHO), Anvisa no longer requires covid-19 vaccination or test proof to enter the country.
Health restrictions for boarding, disembarking and transporting travelers on cruise ships were repealed on May 15, according to Resolution (RDC) 789/2023. Previous measures for airports and aircraft, enforced by RDC 684/2022, expired on May 21.
The new rules follow regulations adopted by most countries, after the WHO declared the end of the health international emergency caused by the new coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2). The United States, for instance, which was the only country in North America that still required vaccination, removed restrictions to enter the US on May 12th. Moreover, most European countries, such as the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, and Germany, relaxed their entry rules in 2022.
Rules concerning the yellow fever
Attention! Don't forget that some countries still require vaccination against yellow fever. Click here to find out which countries and how to obtain the International Certificate of Vaccination.
Rules for cruise ship
For cruise ships, it is still mandatory to notify suspected and confirmed cases and to isolate patients on board. Although Anvisa no longer requires showing any vaccination proof or covid-19 test, shipping companies may define their own requirements for boarding. So, ask the company before traveling!