ANP will consult brazilian society about the periodicity of passing on fuel price readjustments
The board of directors of the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) unanimously approved a Public Taking of Contributions (PTC). Scheduled to take place between June 11 and July 2, the PTC aims to consult Brazilian society about the periodicity of passing on fuel price readjustments. The PTC is an instrument that aims to make public a certain subject and to gather suggestions from society.
The implementation of the PTC is being done considering ANP’s legal powers, provided for in Law 9478 (the “Petroleum Act”), which is to regulate the market and protect the interests of consumers regarding the price and supply of products.
The PTC is open to agencies and entities of the Federal State, States, the Federal District and Municipalities, and to the petroleum market, consumers, technical segments and the public interested in the subject.
The goals of the PTC are to collect data, information and evidence that contribute to the drafting of a resolution about the minimum periodicity for passing on fuel price readjustments to consumers.
Those interested in participating in the Public Taking of Contributions should do so from next June 11 through an electronic form available on the ANP website.
The contributions received will be considered public and will be made available by ANP on its website, preserving the participants’ confidential data.
Este texto em português: ANP fará consulta à sociedade sobre periodicidade do repasse dos reajustes de preços de combustíveis