The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels - ANP informs the agents of the oil and natural gas sector and other interested parties that, on October 07, 2022, it will hold the Technical Seminar of the Open Acreage of Production Sharing.
The Technical Seminar will aim at the presentation, by the Superintendence of Geological and Economic Assessment - SAG, of technical information about the blocks of Ágata; Água Marinha; Bumerangue; Cruzeiro do Sul; Esmeralda; Itaimbezinho; Jade; Norte de Brava; Sudeste de Sagitário; Tupinambá and Turmalina, located in the Campos and Santos Basins, available for offers in the current Open Acreage tender protocol under the Production Sharing regime for the granting of oil and natural gas exploration and production activities in blocks located in the pre-salt polygon and in strategic areas.
The seminar will start at 11:00 am and will be broadcast live through the ANP channel on YouTube.